Proposed CA ballot measure would OK execution of gay people

This strange story can be taken a couple of ways:

A. Some elements of the right wing/religious right have completely lost touch with reality.

B. It's a sick joke.

C. Regardless of intent, it illustrates just what a ridiculous sideshow the initiative and referendum process is in California. … executions

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  • I agree Bear, the initiative process here in CA has long departed from its initial purpose. The unintended outcomes born by some of the initiatives are a big drawback, but the fact that it's moneyed interests that has co-opted the process for its own monetary gains is one reason I won't sign any initiative in its signature gathering stage. By the time election day rolls around, between the candidates for federal and state offices, law enforcement officials, judges, local referendums all coupled with the state initiatives, the ballot is mind boggling--you need a voter's guide for your voter's guide!

    Our local paper, which is a bummer conservative scribble of black print, the other day printed a fairly decent piece denouncing the the proposed initiative. Granted the focus of the editorial was to call for some reform of the initiative process, but it least it addressed how absurd, and, in this case, disgusting and "mean-spirited" the process can be. The editorial too brought up another initiative in response filed by "Charlotte Laws of Woodland Hills, who today filed an initiative called the "Intolerant Jackass Act," which would fine and subject to sensitivity training anyone who "brings forth a ballot measure that suggests the killing of gays and/or lesbians."". Intolerant Jackass Act--love it! It least someone has a sense of humor. :)

    I can't imagine that the initiative will get the number of signatures to get it on the ballot. I can't even believe that someone would stand outside of a store and request a signature for the hideous idea.

    @fenwaydav--it is unconstitutional if it were to be codified, but sadly, until that point, anything goes in a direct democracy no matter how ugly it is.

    @art4you--it's a great point, so many people live under fear of death for being gay. Knowing that assholes like this one who created this initiative are living right next door to us brings home the realty of how fragile and tenuous our new found rights are here in the US.

    U-T San Diego editorial link: … -backlash/
    furball 03/30/2015 01:19 PM
  • Extreme fundamentalism is pretty much the same, whatever the religion.

    I'm also not a fan of CA's system of initiative and referendum. It's not really a democratic process anymore, as it's largely been hijacked by big-money interests. Despite our loony Legislature, I'm still glad we don't have I&R in Texas.
    BearinFW 03/22/2015 04:33 PM
  • Amazing how hateful this lawyer's religion has made him. Conservative Christians of today are equal in my mind to the extreme Muslims in ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Most of these pseudo-religious nuts would be SHOCKED to realize how much they have in common and how their "holy" books grew out of many of the same writers in ancient times.
    rjzip 03/22/2015 03:21 PM
  • ""Bullets to the head""??? There someone has seen to many hollywoood-sniper-films... Or is it just a poltical provocation to point out how the situation IS in many countries for lgbt-people?
    art4you 03/22/2015 02:27 PM
  • This is one of the reasons I'm not a fan of religion. The bible says "Thou shalt not kill" yet says its ok to kill people working on the Sabbath, being gay, cursing your parents, or not being a virgin on your wedding night. etc. So it can always be twisted towards someone's crazy agenda.

    Also "Sodomy" by definition isn't just anal sex, its oral too. Blowjobs, cunnilingus, so ALL people are dead gay or straight lol.

    Anyways hope he gets disbarred for inciting violence.
    Marc 03/22/2015 02:22 PM
  • That is one sick pup. Not only is it unconstitutional, but sounds like if the person is serious they should be arrested for a hate crime. SICK,SICK,SICK!!!!!!
    fenwaydav 03/22/2015 01:35 PM