Texas congressman vows to impeach Obama over guns

I think Texas leads the world in stupid Republican politicians. Mainly because they know they can say any idiotic thing they want and not face any consequences with the electorate here.

Anyway, Obama is planning to do what he can on guns via executive order, because the reality is that virtually nothing is going to happen in Congress. The GOP and the NRA aren't going to budge on *anything.*

I still don't get why even allegedly informed and educated Americans don't seem to be aware of the Supreme Court ruling that gave constitutional protection to gun ownership. But like Obama says, it's part of the scare tactic that Republicans and the NRA use to keep the money flowing from passionate, but ignorant, gun owners. The government ain't gonna take your guns people. Shees, but then I guess people who own tons of guns are more likely to lean toward the paranoid side anyway.

http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-34222_162-57563967-10 … n-control/

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  • I was out with a friend tonight and he was concerned that I was about to get myself killed because of guns. Well, I was merely pointing out that gun freaks are mostly a bunch of delusionally paranoid white guys, when low and behold, a delusionally paranoid white guy decided that I must be one of those commie Obama goons who is going to come steal his guns:)
    BearinFW 01/16/2013 04:27 AM
  • You mean he didn't? I read something about that on the Internet:-) it was a plot to get us into Iraq and pass the Patriot Act. And the moon landing was filmed in a Hollywood studio.
    BearinFW 01/15/2013 11:37 PM
  • Oh, not that's fucking insane....If that were the case, I'm gonna say Bush planned 9/11. How fucking stupid.
    kelleysiland 01/15/2013 11:26 PM
  • The stupidity of the American public never ceases to amaze me. I sometimes think wed be better off if the Internet didn't exist. The latest nonsense making the rounds from gun and conspiracy nuts is that Sandy Hook was staged by Obama to create a pretense to take Americans' guns away. This would be humorous if it weren't so tragically insane.
    BearinFW 01/15/2013 10:30 PM
  • Obama is supposed to propose a program Wednesday that will include a number of steps that he can take by executive order. That's what Rep. Stockman is fussing about. Although I don't know what all the paranoia is about. Obama can't and won't unilaterally ban assault weapons.

    Probably about all that could get through Congress at this point would be something addressing mental illness and guns. It's pretty clear that the GOP isn't going to yield on anything. They are even talking about shutting down the government over the debt ceiling. Too many in the GOP are only playing to the ultraconservative majorities in their own very conservative districts. They can't see the bigger picture, to their party's own peril.
    BearinFW 01/15/2013 04:57 PM
  • These are the same people who take every story and word written in the Bible literally! Assult weapons were made for law enforcement and military use ONLY! An assult weapons, if used for the hunting of game, would destroy the animal and render the meat usless, the pelts usless, and the animal usless for stuffing and mounting. And what the hell do you need a 50 round clip for in your own home? Please, the ownership of a gun is one thing but an assult weapon is for one reason and one reason only, to do some major damage to another person.
    kelleysiland 01/15/2013 03:37 PM
  • And the 2nd highest rate of teen pregnancies and the list goes on. But don't tell us that (actually originally from IL) because we are so proud of our state. And who wouldn't be proud of the guy we put forward to be a presidential candidate. That moron is about to be re-elected for another 4 years making him the longest serving Texas Moron, er I mean governor in the state's history.
    txholdup 01/15/2013 12:38 PM
  • I didn't realize that suggesting legislation was "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Those are the offenses for which POTUS can be impeached, if convicted.
    PDQuesnell 01/15/2013 10:14 AM
  • The facts speak for themselves in this chart which combines voting patterns with Intelligence.
    rjzip 01/15/2013 09:46 AM
  • What the gun crazies need to worry about is not Obama but Wall Street. If they don't have enough money to buy bullets what good are the guns? I hope that everyone that is wanting something done to curb gun violence is contacting their elected officials and voicing their oppinions? It is time the average guy stands up and speaks his mind and not just the nuts from the extreme right.
    barney290 01/15/2013 07:28 AM