Strange story this. Two more victims of America's gun culture? Some sort of karmic justice? Or just what the hell were they thinking taking a guy with PTSD shooting? No good deed goes unpunished?
Too bad, too. The ex-SEAL guy was really hot. What a waste. … ed-on.html
No matter how good a shot you are -- and this guy was probably one of the best in the WORLD -- or how well armed you are -- he was practically a walking gun store -- you're still not safe in a world where everyone's packing.
For me, what's more pathetic is that it's not unexpected. It's one of those bizarre endings for someone where you can only say, "duh" when reading/hearing the news. I don't know what it says about our society when we've become inured to these events, but it least is was not a school full of children.
And I'm sure all Iraq vets are not like this, but it is disturbing that quite a number are. … ed-on.html