Former ace Navy SEAL sniper is fatally shot at gun range

Strange story this. Two more victims of America's gun culture? Some sort of karmic justice? Or just what the hell were they thinking taking a guy with PTSD shooting? No good deed goes unpunished?

Too bad, too. The ex-SEAL guy was really hot. What a waste. … ed-on.html

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  • I like the irony, Furr. There also would be a lesson here for the folks who believe a gun is the answer to everything, except the vast majority are probably too dense to even notice it.

    No matter how good a shot you are -- and this guy was probably one of the best in the WORLD -- or how well armed you are -- he was practically a walking gun store -- you're still not safe in a world where everyone's packing.
    BearinFW 02/04/2013 01:07 AM
  • There's a weird irony about the guy's death: A man who gained fame for being a sniper was shot dead at close range.

    For me, what's more pathetic is that it's not unexpected. It's one of those bizarre endings for someone where you can only say, "duh" when reading/hearing the news. I don't know what it says about our society when we've become inured to these events, but it least is was not a school full of children.
    furball 02/03/2013 10:21 PM
  • Reports today indicate that Kyle was killed at close range with a semiautomatic handgun and that 25-30 guns, including AK-47s, were found with the bodies. So being an expert shot and being armed to the hilt couldn't save him. Live by the gun ...
    BearinFW 02/03/2013 06:37 PM
  • I used to see a guy who had served multiple tours in Iraq, and he was a gun nut, too. I hadn't really thought of it until this, but I found his fascination with guns to be excessive and kinda creepy. He didn't adjust well and reupped for another tour. Haven't seen him since.

    And I'm sure all Iraq vets are not like this, but it is disturbing that quite a number are.
    BearinFW 02/03/2013 03:48 PM
  • quilty, i like your quote better than mine!
    rae121452 02/03/2013 01:06 PM
  • One enemy combatant less. And 150 - 255 (?) unknown (?) more.
    art4you 02/03/2013 11:54 AM
  • "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints." (Rev.13:10 KJV)
    rae121452 02/03/2013 06:25 AM