Why does the religious right hate gay people?

Yeah, yeah spare me the "hate the sin, love the sinner BS." I don't think there's anything but pure hatred to explain this.

I was watching CNN's State of the Union this morning and they were talking about the immigration bill, which appears to be in trouble for a number of reasons. Anyway, one surefire thing that would kill it, they said: An amendment has been proposed to allow the immigrant partners of gay Americans to stay in the country. Well, supposedly the religious right would rather scuttle the entire immigration effort rather than allow something that might benefit a modest number of gay people and would be a minor part of the bill as a whole.

And of course (as with the NRA), if the religious right opposes something, the GOP won't dare cross them.

However, even if the immigration bill passes the Senate, it faces tough sledding in the House. The CNN panel points out that thanks to gerrymandering, the average House Republican is from a district that is 75 percent white and therefore has no incentive to compromise on immigration (or anything else for that matter).

Of course, if you want another example of the religious right hating gay people, you may have noticed my earlier thread on Texas cities not being allowed to give health benefits to gay partners. This probably only affected a few dozen people statewide, but that was just *too* much for the RR.

There should be a special place in hell for this kind of meanness and hypocrisy.

And then you have idiots like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul talking about running for president. OK, assuming one of the fools might win the GOP nomination, are they really delusional enough to think they could win the general election?

On the other hand, a total meltdown beatdown might be what the GOP needs.

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  • Religeons were formed in order to control the increasin size of tribes. As humans became more and more human tribes wanted to control who was in and who was out and religeons worked wonderful for tis purpose. I worked for years with immigration and homeland security and our immigration policies and most of the rest of the world is the same is a mess. I have been waiting for the mention of the 800lb bear in the room when it comes to immigration reform and last week the bear was recognized byt the GOP. Deal Killer! Can't have gays bringing more gays into the country. This will get settled in the courts later because you can't leave it to the states and Congress won't take it on either. This is one of the big reasons the Supreme Court is going to duck the gay rights issue in my opinion later next month. Just another reason for all of us to get active and make sure we can do all we can in 2014 to remove the obstacles in DC.
    barney290 05/06/2013 08:08 AM
  • You are right, RJ. Since Obama's wins, in particular the second one, the GOP has been becoming increasingly desperate. I think the Republicans who are capable of forward thinking may be afraid that their time is passing, so there is urgency to enact whatever of their agenda they can now, before it's too late.

    Up until relatively recently, Republicans have had supreme confidence that their way would prevail in America. I think that confidence has now been shaken.
    BearinFW 05/06/2013 01:04 AM
  • Art4you, Adenverbear and MG_Jackal, you all make excellent points! In the last year or two, the Republicans seem to have sunk to new lows. They seem panicked about re-gaining power and keeping power to the point that they will lie and cheat and even deny the right to vote to their opponents. Sad state of affairs.
    rjzip 05/05/2013 11:22 PM
  • religions hate sex,
    especially free sex, without domination or second meanings. Sex is chaotic, extatic and essentially anarchic, refuses control.
    Religions have always controlled people through sex restrictions. See the black liberation movement, see the hippie movement, see the women liberation and the gay, lesbian transgender liberation movements. Sex restrictions have always been formulated by religions and used by totalitarian and apartheid regimes.
    Controlling sexuality helps creating and dividing groups.
    Divide et impera.
    art4you 05/05/2013 07:08 PM