There's no indication that this will work, but it just proves, yet again, that marriage opponents will not give an inch, even when they've lost. God forbid marriages started early (according to them; legal experts disagree).
This further shows what a fight we'll have on our hands for the other 37 states, where they are much stronger than CA. They won't budge, and their right wing legal groups will sue just for the sake of suing. … 09450.html
Even they, part of a repressed population, think it is crazy.
“Conservatives often say that gay marriage cheapens their marriage. Well, I think a diploma from Liberty cheapens my degree from a real school,” says Bill Maher ... Liberty University was founded by Reverend Jerry Falwell and that the university’s science department includes creation studies. Maher joked, “This is a school you flunk out of when you get the answers right.”
i know they will throw up any barrier they can find or make up. But this one is ridiculous. Even if they were right, what have they achieved? They're only delaying implementation of the decision by 3 weeks. i guarantee that the Supreme Court is not going to reconsider the Prop. 8 ruling.
Recall that the right was unhappy that they didn't have the equivalent of the civil rights lawyers on the left, so they started their own law school at Liberty University (Falwell U.) in Virginia. Anyway, this has only been going on for 10 years or less, so they are kind of now where the ACLU and left wing groups were in the late 60s, early 70s. I.e., not very sophisticated and not very experienced. The left-leaning law groups are now pretty astute in what they challenge. Not so for the right-wing groups, which will throw up a meaningless lawsuit like this. Even if they win, what have they done? Just something hateful and pointless to delay marriages resuming for about three weeks. Gimme a break.