U.S. officially becomes one of world's most stupid nations

President Trump's decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris accords on climate change has made the nation a laughingstock on the world stage. The U.S. joins only Syria and Nicaragua among the world's countries as a non-signatory. Sad to say, but the Republican Party has become the Stupid White People's Party. Their disbelief of science has carried the day in favor of oil company greed, and the folks who believe Obama was born in Kenya and any other conspiracy theory you can think of. It might be funny if it weren't so tragically sad. German PM Angela Merkel said after Trump's visit to Europe that the U.S. can no longer be trusted. Sadly, she's right.

Trump has done more damage to America's reputation on the world stage in four months than any other president in 4-8 years, with the *possible* exception of George W. Bush.

Trump was only elected because white people *HATE* Hillary Clinton and because Republicans would vote for a known serial killer if he had an R next to his name. As Anne Coulter said, we knew Trump is a pig, but voted for him on the issues. SIGH!

I no longer think there is *any* hope for the Republican Party as currently constituted. It's turned itself into a combination of racist white NUTS, the investor class who only care about themselves, and party faithful who will accept any monstrosity for the sake of political power.

Enough. The American people have to stand up to this nonsense, and maybe the positive from all this is that Trump will force them to. But even if that happens, most likely we'd be back to the same old thing the next election cycle. The GOP has to be *forced* to change its morally bankrupt ways, and it won't do so until voters brainwashed for years by Rush and Fox News force them to. I doubt it will happen in my lifetime.

If there is any consolation, though, it's that the U.S. will sign the Paris accords again as soon as a Democrat is elected president, which may be as soon as 2020 the way Trump is going.

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  • I dont recall a time Obama acted recklessly or without class though im sure in eight years there must have been a time or two.
    BearinFW 06/23/2017 09:37 PM
  • much like people voted for obama. since it was his administration that first put those same countries in the travel ban as high risk terror countries. problem is people take one side over the other and disregard all of the available information because they didnt get the president they wanted.

    you say trump had no morals or ethics but you disregard all of the times obama acted without any class, or morals. which brings me to point out that even a refined person can still be scum. its the wolf in sheeps clothing
    doankyl 06/13/2017 10:19 AM
  • Can't white people be muslim?
    art4you 06/11/2017 09:33 AM
  • Well, COCK, what can I say. There are a lot of people who shouldn't vote in elections who do, who don't take the time to learn anything about a candidate or the issues. Obviously the Muslim couple you mention would have known Trump supported a travel ban if they had paid *any* attention to the campaign. Instead, people vote for a candidate based on name, personality, party affiliation, looks, gender or race, without paying any attention to where they stand on important issues. Sigh!!!
    BearinFW 06/10/2017 04:12 PM
  • I don't think it's just white people. I saw a few months ago an interview with a Muslim couple who voted for him. They were surprsed when Don said he wanted the "travel ban". You wanted him, you voted for him, you deal with him. What did you expect?
    COCKpittop 06/10/2017 03:53 PM
  • Hey Art. Yeah, Trump is an embarrassment. Why people thought he would be any different as president than he was as a candidate is beyond me. Problem is, Trump has NO morals and NO ethics. His view of the world is that whatever he thinks is right. Didn't take him long to get into trouble with that mindset. I do, however, hope he makes it to 2020. I'd be stunned if the American people are stupid enough to re-elect him. But then, they did elect him in the first place ...
    BearinFW 06/10/2017 05:18 AM
  • Yes, BearinFW, looking from outside and watching how your president acts in public, even when he is a guest in a foreign state is embarrassing. And I'm not speaking about diplomacy or the lack of it, but of unbelievable rudeness.

    Besides of this, there is a reasonable fear for new wars, which fordermost consecuences will revert on Europe first.
    Did I write Europe first? Forgive me ...
    art4you 06/07/2017 02:54 PM
  • I was going to try and write something to address these unsubstantiated claims but there are just too many to address!
    barney290 06/07/2017 09:03 AM
  • no i dont watch fox news. have you been watching the view?

    there are MILLIONS of whites in america. some vote for republicans some for democrats some for third party. thats not a pattern. the reason why trump won wasnt due to any racial patterns or else we wouldnt have had two terms of obama. the fact that people have free will means they get to choose what they believe in.
    doankyl 06/06/2017 08:59 AM
  • Guy, have you been watching Fox News too much? I didn't say racism affected the outcome, but there was a clear racial voting pattern, which is frankly true in most Dem-GOP elections: A majority of white Americans vote for the Republican Party. The only difference is that the split continues to grow greater over time.
    BearinFW 06/06/2017 04:26 AM
  • the treaty is idiotic at best. its like a group of new years resolutions where everyone says they are gonna lose 5 pounds, but we all know no ones gonna do it. even had we joined and ruined our country to follow the impossible goals obama came up with what exactly could we do if no one else followed the agreement? absolutely nothing cause there is no way to police the agreement. you people on the left are to caught up about the other world leaders mocking trump over this idiotic deal that you cant see that we should be laughing at them.

    white supremecists support both groups racism had nothing to do with trumps election. anyone that says so is ignorant. all the hate crimes done in trumps name when he was elected was later discovered to be the acts of hillary and some bernie supporters. after trump was elected in several cities black people took to the street using racism as an excuse to terrorize the neighborhood dragging white people from their cars to beat up just because they were white. one guy actually had a bernie sticker on his car.
    doankyl 06/05/2017 03:58 PM
  • If there are individual items in the treaty you dont like, protest those. Dont throw out the whole thing. To show how naieve Trump is, he actually said the US would renegotiate the treaty to get better terms. Other world leaders immediTely shot that down.

    BTW, generalizations are just that. Doesnt literally mean Trump received zero minority votes. Hell the grand dragon of the KKK would probably get a few minority votes if he were a major party nominee. Clearly Trump was elected primarily because of the strong support of white voters.
    BearinFW 06/02/2017 05:45 PM
  • and whats with all of your racist attitude? there are thousands of black people that voted for trump. and plenty hispanic and indian. its not a "White" thing.
    doankyl 06/02/2017 12:51 PM
  • Have you read the Paris Climate Agreement? i honestly believe its the best thing in the world for our country. we need to lead this independently as a country and dont need the restrictions of some outside source. especially one that puts harder restrictions on us and is more lenient on others.
    doankyl 06/02/2017 10:58 AM