Duck Dynasty dad reinstated

Well, just file this one under money talks.

Of course, the right wing echo chamber is going to convince the clown that he scored a great victory for free speech. Well, he may have won, but it wasn't because of that.

A&E plans to air commercials promoting diversity, but ho-hum. I doubt many gay people have had much interest in Duck Dynasty, but if any do, time to give up on this homophobic crap. … ?hpt=hp_t2

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  • Bearlyy, you must have forgot what you wrote as your first response to this blog:

    Quoting Bearlyy now:

    "Do you think someone should lose their job for expressing their opinion?
    Wouldn't that be unfair dismissal?
    What about free speech?"

    Again, your interpretation of the Constitution is typical right-wing crapola.
    rjzip 12/30/2013 09:22 PM
  • I just am amazed at how so many think that you can't be fired or in this case sent home with pay from your job by your employer? The season was over and they had not started shooting for the new one so it was very easy for A&E to send him home,reap the hype from doing so and then when it is time(now) to start shooting for the new season bring him back to work. This is not about first amendment rights or religious freedom. It is about an ignorant few statements made by a highly visible individual and how we as a country respond to it. I for one think he should lose his job for what he said but not for what he said but for what he did not say. His apology was lame and derogatory and when someone is given another chance to keep their job they usually are truly apologetic and are glad for a second chance. I have sat on many a grievances of fired or terminated employees and if anyone here thinks that employers can't fire people in today's world you are in fantasy land. Unless you are one of the lucky workers to be protected by a union contract and have a dedicated union rep that will fight for you I am afraid you are truly out of luck.
    barney290 12/29/2013 09:48 AM
  • And much as I'm wary of the right wingers on this, I agree with bearlyy.. Unless A&E suspended Robertson because it violated some aspect of his contract with them, their actions weren't exactly legal. Of course, if their contract stated they could make the contract void anytime of their choosing, for any reason, then of course, they have the liberty to do so.

    I don't agree with what Phil said, but considering he was stating his opinion (no matter how "wrong" it is) on a different platform, and not as part of the show, I don't see any reason for the suspension myself. The only reasonable way we can deal with the whole situation is to boycott the products or the show itself (like we did with Target (for a while) or Chik-Fil-A (not very long), etc).

    Just think of it this way.. If you posted some opinion on your personal time, on a public platform, say Facebook, and your boss saw it, found it distasteful in his opinion and fired you from your job, would you go along with that? Sure, it happens all the time, but it would be hypocritical if you feel it's okay in some situations and not in others.
    aliencubby 12/29/2013 05:06 AM
  • I don't really understand the appeal of the show, to be honest - or of most "reality" TV. Are we so bored with our so-called-mundane life, that we enjoy being passive voyeurs to some apparently-exciting strangers' lives? Be it pawn shop owners, truckers (I can see some appeal here), comic book shop owners or bitchy housewives or rednecks?

    Looking at the viewership figures, I guess we are.
    aliencubby 12/28/2013 10:59 PM
  • Who really gives a crap about what this man "thinks" or has been been programmed to "think". I've watched a couple of episodes to see what the show was all about.... It's always been "Christian" orientated. Right or wrong. I wouldn't expect him to have any use for us, but I think he should check his own Family closet before raiding ours. <g> A&E can bend over backwards, but in the end, who cares. We are here, we are gonna gonna continue to be here, and it seems more promotional than anything else. Why fuel it......
    LDCSBEAR 12/28/2013 06:46 PM
  • Bearlyy, your interpretation of the Constitution is typical right wing crapola.
    rjzip 12/28/2013 02:29 PM
  • Bearlyy, as noted in the previous thread, free speech doesn't necessarily apply to the private sector in the U.S. People have lost their jobs for expressing an opinion. In fact, that happens all the time. This just got a lot of pub because the show is so high profile.

    Of course, we knew that Duck Dynasty wasn't going to have the plug pulled on it and the old guy would be reinstated. The show is too popular to just be canceled.

    However, A&E caved after only a week, and as a result, the show probably benefited more than it lost from the publicity over the suspension as it had no real negative consequences.
    BearinFW 12/28/2013 11:48 AM
  • It was all about money, plain and simple. No amout of anti anything from right or left was going to pull this money maker sesnseless show down. If anything, all the publicity played well increasing their fortunes. When will America's love affair with reality TV end?
    headw8tr 12/28/2013 09:26 AM