Man, all I can say is good for A&E. Some people just don't know when to shut up. He just goes on and on and on.
BTW, I've never understood the popularity of Duck Dynasty. I find it very boring and contrived. … 31650.html
I kind of agree on one point in the story. If he had said something similarly derogatory about blacks, he would have been crucified and there would not have been a thought of letting him continue. The blowback would have been much worse.
Can't we all just get along even if we have different beliefs? BTW, since I don't watch TV I never even heard of Duck Dynasty until this brouhaha arose.
Plus the guy giving the lecture is super hot.
This could be our personal boycott. We are people GOD created us, we were born this way. Let's show Corporate America we will not put up with being discriminated against!
Everyone has the right to free speech and corporations have the right to decide that employees speech can harm the bottom line. Was he asleep during Paula Deen?
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
Again, it was her choice. She can't have been that shocked about facing some consequences. Controversy is a pageant no-no, and she knew it.
She should have just said something vague like all people deserve happiness and let it go at that. It doesn't always pay to speak your mind. And it doesn't just apply to conservatives, though they would like you to believe so. Plenty of priests and nuns have gotten in big trouble for speaking out against Catholic doctrine, and I would be far more likely to get in big trouble for giving liberal views than conservative. Sure, they have the right to express controversial viewpoints, but they should also realize that doing so can have consequences.
BTW, freedom of speech only applies to the government censoring speech. It does not apply to private industry or private organizations.
So in that regard, at least, government employees may have a lot more freedom than many of us in the private sector.
Sure, Robertson, or anyone else, has the right to their opinion. However, they should also recognize that spouting your opinion in public can have consequences. In my job, for example, I know that if I were to go in a public forum and give my opinions on some topics, I could very well be fired for it. Similarly, A&E has every right to react as they did. By acting quickly, they were able to head off what surely would have been a big blow-back from gay and possibly black groups. … 56856.html
And check this one out. You know Robertson was in the wrong when he's being defended by morons like Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz and the religious right. No, this isn't about religious persecution. It's simply a matter of an employer sanctioning an employee, which they have every right to do. Bigotry is a mindset, not a faith. … 34306.html
But, the man has a right to his opinion.
It's like being shocked when Honey Boo Boo's momma picks up a banjo and goes "Praise the lawd!" or something.
Totally agree. I forced myself to watch it once and I lasted only a few minutes. I really dont understand the appeal at all. At least with Honey boo boo or Kate +8 you can make reasonable guesses why people would like them, but duck dynasty I dont get at all.