Putin: Gay people must 'leave children alone' at Olympics

So he thinks we're a bunch of ped----es?

Also, he makes one flat-out wrong statement in this story. Being gay is not a crime anywhere in the U.S. thanks to the Supreme Court's Texas ruling 10 years ago or so.

http://tracking.si.com/2014/01/17/vladimir-putin- … ?eref=sihp

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  • Russian officials also said early on that Madonna and Lady Gaga had violated the new law by speaking out against it during concerts. But they were quiet about Elton John, presumably because they aren't wanting to ruffle any more feathers before and during the Olympics. We'll get a better idea of where things are headed in Russia after the Games. If the law passes on removing children, then Russia deserves any condemnation it gets, and then some.
    BearinFW 01/22/2014 08:28 PM
  • AJ:

    Yeah, things are worse in many Muslim countries and in much of sub-Saharan African than in Russia. But those are Third World countries who aren't trying to pass themselves off as world leaders, like Russia is. Russia's law is much worse than it appears at first glance. Basically, any public depiction of gay people can be construed as promoting homosexuality to minors. Thus, for example, there can be no positive depictions of gay people on TV or in movies. Gay people could also be arrested for holding hands or kissing in public. Also, the Russian legislature is due to consider a bill that would remove children from gay parents. I assume you don't think that's a benign law.

    What I find ironic about this is that not all that many years ago conservatives were calling Russia the Evil Empire. Now they treat it like it's a model of democracy. Russia is losing population. I'm sure they'd take Sarah Palin and Co. in a heartbeat :)
    BearinFW 01/22/2014 07:31 PM
  • Ah, Peds and Moles, currently available in the Xbox 360 platform. Coming soon: Special Edition: Cat---lic Priests.
    hisbiguy 01/19/2014 08:10 PM
  • In many countries - e.g. Germany - ped----le is one of many synonymes for gay men; and not one of the really nice ones.
    And that the use of these words are controlled, should make us think over how far bigbrother has already gone. There is no free discussion anymore, and not only of these items, but many other, and there is no privacy any more. EVERY porn consuming person is watched; and this is just the top of an iceberg at collision with democracy - not only in Russia. Sometimes I thinks it is already 'wartime'...
    art4you 01/19/2014 03:41 PM
  • Hi guys, im sorry but we cant have words like ped-----le, mole----ed, etc posted on the site.
    Since DD is an adult site those words can get us red flagged.
    I know it sucks but thats the nature of a porn site. So they were edited out
    Thanks for understanding.
    Marc 01/18/2014 10:04 PM
  • So it's more productive to make gay people a scapegoat to divert attention from the fact that your own country is going down the shitter?
    BearinFW 01/18/2014 04:35 PM
  • Ped-----ia is a crime almost everywhere and should be but it has been shown that most pe-----les are str8 men.
    MtnMan 01/18/2014 10:22 AM