Proof of the de-evolution of the GOP

Boy, if you want to see clear evidence of the growing gulf between the Republican Party and the rest of us, it doesn't get much starker than this poll. Only 43 percent of people who identify themselves as Republican now say they believe in evolution. This is in spite of the fact that evolution is well-established science. It just shows what a fantasy land the GOP is living in, and is more evidence why we can't let them take this country where they want to go. We don't need to be governed like Alice in Wonderland. … l-reveals/

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  • It's a disturbing trend - how supposedly technologically advanced countries tend to be devolving due to the religious right, who seem to be trying to take the societies back to the "Godly" days. It's true all over the world. Insistence on prayer in public, touting their holy books to dredge up their muck of prejudice and insanity, the whole My-God's-Dick-Is-Bigger-Than-Your-God's nonsense, with religion bashing, creationism being masqueraded as science, etc.

    I don't have an issue with creationism as a theory - but that's just it. It's a theory - more like an opinion, without any scientific backing whatsoever, unlike the theories of evolution, which have been supported by hard evidence over time. Sure, some things don't add up yet, but at least there's some proof - more than some story written in a book of fairy tales.
    The whole point of scientific inquiry is the insistence on rigorous scientific methods, demanding proof, and actively seeking to disprove a theory (as opposed to the Cretinist "My book says it's so, and you're wrong, neener neener" stance). And most theories of evolution have stood up to the test (and still will, until there's a better unifying theory that comes up). Let's see it for what it is - a theory (which might be true, for all we know - ha! yeah right) just like, say, theology or objectivism or Freud's theories. Without any scientific backing whatsoever.

    Keep it in your Sunday schools or homeschools, or wherever you brainwash kids. Not in science classes. Not where they are supposed to learn to think for themselves.
    "But but but they ought to learn that there are alternate theories". Yes. But not when they are dolled up and pretending to be science. Wearing panties didn't make David Carradine a lady, even though it probably made him feel pretty and good.
    aliencubby 01/04/2014 10:32 AM
  • Well, your post, rjzip, just points out what a toxic brew of interest groups the Republican Party has become. Now, the Dems have their own special interest group issues, but as a whole it's not the type of toxic naysaying blend the GOP has developed. Now there are some Republicans who aren't as bad as others, but they don't have much chance if they have to jump through this many hoops. I still think the biggest mistake the GOP (ie Ronald Reagan's folks) made was in politicizing the religious right. They have locked the party in to so many positions that are rigid and backward that it's hard to see how the party goes forward without ditching them.
    BearinFW 01/04/2014 04:30 AM
  • And the right wing isn't just one kind of CRAZY. There are several stripes of anti-science self-deceptionists. We have the Teabagger, the Paleocon (take me back to the 14th century), the Corporate Con (their esteemed leaders actually run the whole insane assylum called the Republican Party), The Neocon, The Theocon (legislating God) and the Libertarian (still hung up on Ayn Rand whose writings we thought were special in high school, but we grew out of that pubescent folly).
    rjzip 01/04/2014 12:14 AM