Heineken in New York, Sam Adams in Boston.
The parades, which are privately run, can limit who participates. But sponsors likewise have the right to decide where they put their dollars. Discrimination comes with a price.
http://money.cnn.com/2014/03/14/pf/heineken-sam-a … ?hpt=hp_t3
sponsoring a once a year parade.
The attached video in my post has nothing to do with the post's topic, but is a cute Guinness commercial. Put a guy and a dog together and I'm a sucker....
http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/17/us-usa- … HY20140317
"It said lesbian and gay veterans who had wanted to march as part of an LGBT veterans group could still march in the parade under the condition that they wouldn't identify themselves as gay with signs or t-shirts."
SO, they are asking us to pretend we are straight? How is this different from what Putin is doing in Russia? Public display or propaganda about sexual orientation is strictly forbidden. Seems the right wingers are getting more Nazi authoritarian every day.