This BS bill just makes me really angry. Why does the House continue to waste time on crap like this that has a rat's ass chance of becoming law? And even worse, is nothing more than an insult to the president they allegedly are supposed to be trying to work with? (But with whom they in reality never intended to do so).
If the American people are STUPID enough to elect more of these bozos because they are angry at the government, then they truly are numbskulls. These idiots are the cause of the problem, and electing more of them is only moving us further away from a solution.
I'm 57 years old, and never in my life have I seen a major party in this country absolutely intent on NOT governing.
I am totally disgusted and embarrassed by what passes for the U.S. House these days. … 26368.html
I'm already working on getting a campaign organized to keep one of our Senate seats Democratic. Later in the spring, summer and fall I will also be working on replacing a retiring GOP House member with a Democrat. Whoever gets out their party votes will win in this state. We have a good chance here.