Nice story here about Ariz. state Sen. Steve Gallardo, who decided that after the recent debate in Arizona he should come out publicly. Gallardo, a Phoenix Democrat, is running for a U.S. House seat, and he's relatively young, 45. So who knows, he could be someone to watch out for as a national gay political leader.
We've discussed many times how important it is for public figures to come out to provide positive role models for gay youth. I would say that goes double for people of color. So way to go, Sen. Gallardo! … ction.html
back to our common fight: it is indeed always good to have lots of public figures that provide positive role models, and as times can march backwards, too (look at Spain now and the intended new laws on abortion act), it is of immense importance to have as much gay and out politicians as there can. Next generations should always have more oportunities! The rights must be secured ... you can't take them for granted.
(After reading this again, don't get me wrong please, bearinfw, this is really a question I have, it's not intended against you or anyone in dd, ok?)