Glenn Beck: "Hillary will be having sex with a woman on the White House desk"

OK, and you guys think the right wingers have been tough on Obama ... That's just child's play. They're already getting *REAL* nasty with Hillary and she's not even running yet! If Hillary does run and (GASP!) even WIN, I can't imagine how vile things will get. Wouldn't blame her at all if she doesn't want to be bothered. … a-lesbian/

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  • Zip that's a great quote from Hillary. Negative and cynical is way too common these days. Its all over the place on the Internet, and not just on the right.
    BearinFW 05/10/2014 12:32 PM
  • Top4, you are wrong again. Repeating yourself doesn't make those oddly distorted accusations stick any better.
    rjzip 05/09/2014 10:23 AM
  • BTW, hole, I think the fact that many on the right are already in full-blown attack Hillary mode disproves your point about her being the dream candidate for the Republicans. The fact that they are already flinging shit against the wall pretty much shows they're scared of her.
    BearinFW 05/08/2014 03:55 AM
  • BTW, I've thought Elizabeth Warren was a potential political superstar ever since I first heard her speak at the 2012 Dem. convention. But I don't think she has enough connections to mount a successful presidential campaign this soon. She also may need to become less scary to the monied interests that dominate American politics (unfortunately).

    And Hole, the folks you describe as being Hillary voters almost assuredly would be Republican voters in the general election. Do you *really* see her getting any of the religious right vote?

    Now Hillary undoubtedly was the beneficiary of the "anybody but Obama" vote in the 2008 Dem primaries, but I wouldn't say she has the blue-collar type Dem vote wrapped up by any means.
    BearinFW 05/07/2014 10:29 PM
  • Trust the republicunts to get their collective panties in a wad when anyone other than a white-crotchety-old-straight-Christian-male tries for office..
    aliencubby 05/07/2014 01:19 PM
  • Top4hole50, you are not only disrespectful and wrong, but also willfully ignorant.
    rjzip 05/07/2014 08:50 AM
  • The 2016 nomination is Hillary's if she wants it, barring unforeseen events. After 2008, I think much of the Democratic establish feels like it owes her this.

    That said, she won't get a pass like Obama did in 2012. You can bet she'll get a serious challenge from the left (Warren is a very possible challenger), which will be supported by many of the same people who got Obama elected in 2008. But a big difference between 2016 and that race: Hillary will do much better than 4 percent of the black vote.
    BearinFW 05/07/2014 12:41 AM
  • And Bernie Sanders
    rjzip 05/05/2014 07:24 AM
  • There are two possible candidates that I would like to see run instead of Hillary. Democrat Elizabeth Warren and Independent Bernie Sanders.
    rjzip 05/05/2014 07:23 AM