Hmmmm. Not sure what to make of this. Yes, there are people who don't fit into one gender or another, but I don't think that's particularly common. Even most transgendered people identify as one sex or the other, though not the one they were born with. … 28333.html
Norrie, who uses only a first name and does not identify as either male or female, posing for a photograph in the Sydney suburb of Redfern, June 14, 2013 (AFP Photo/Greg Wood)
I also don't know what to make of this. Maybe this is how some heteros got so confused about gays early on. But I would never think someone like this is inferior or someone who should have fewer rights than I do. There can't be too many folks who feel like they are a neutral sex though. Still, it seems they ought to know how they feel and if they feel like they are somewhere between the binary sex types, then they should be able to BE that and register or identify as that.