Actually, from questioning during this case, this is *exactly* the way the Supreme Court was expected to rule in the Hobby Lobby case.
Continuing to compound its mistake from the Citizens United case, the court has now ruled that some corporations have religious rights too.
Now, the actual ruling in this case is fairly narrowly drawn, but it could have wide-reaching implications. For example, qualifying corporations (those whose stock is held by 5 or fewer people) could easily discriminate against gay people, Muslims, single mothers, etc. in the name of their "religion."
It's a crap ruling, and I really think that down the road a more reasonable court will need to overturn this series of "corporations are people" rulings.
OK, we all know that in reality, corporations in the U.S. are more important than most individual people. However, do we really want that to be the force of law? It's more Republican BS.
I know it's not a problem here, but it is SO important that another Democrat succeed Obama in the White House so the politics of the current corporate court can be shifted.
Despite having a Democrat in the White House, the current government is divided 50-50 between GOP and Dems. If Republicans swing 6 seats in the Senate, that will move to 67-33, GOP. This is NOT the will of the American people, but rather the way the GOP continues to manipulate the strings of power. … ?hpt=hp_t2
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