Here's a cute story. Animal rights groups buy a bull who "wouldn't perform" and send him to a farm animal sanctuary. Supposedly the bull liked the other bull better than the heifers.
I know people like to equate animal and human behavior, but I don't think the two are the same. Nonetheless, that human trait saved this bull from the butcher! … 84592.html
OK, Bearly, I'm not saying homosexuality doesn't exist in animals, however, anthropomorphising animal behavior doesn't make it so. Who can say if this bull is really gay? He isn't talking.
The human trait I meant was humans' tendency to describe animal behavior as human behavior. It may look or sound the same, but that doesn't mean it is. For example, a spoiled rotten Chihuahua is just a spoiled dog. It's not a baby, even if its humans treat it like one. … er-n250976