
in the early sixties, there was a wave of "sick comedians" and "sick jokes". we used to swap them, seeing who could tell the worst. there was a whole series of "roman soldier" jokes, i only remember two:

didya hear aboutthe roman soldier who said: "i don't care what your name is, stop dragging that cross througn my garden!"

didya hear about the roman soldier who said: "would you mind crossing your legs, i've only got one more nail?"

then there were the "bobby" jokes which always involved a handicapped kid. this is the only one i remember:

timmy: can bobby come out and play baseball, mrs. jones?
Mrs. jones: why, timmy, you know bobby has cerebral palsy.
timmy: yeah, but he makes a great second base!

your turn....................

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  • Three gays men were sitting in a pub sipping their wine and chatting about the loss of their partners, each of which had recently passed away. As they chatted they discovered that all three had cremated their beloved. .

    The first said, "You know how much he loved mountain climbing; well I spread his ashes from a helicopter over the Rockies. I thought he would appreciate being where he loved"

    The second, after a sip of his wine said, "I scattered my lovers ashes over his favorite trout stream. I know he is smiling somewhere’."

    The third said, "Well, I made a huge pot of chile and poured his ashes in it. I wanted him to tear -up my ass just one more time! "
    baybubba 02/17/2013 01:16 AM
  • I have a collection of nasty jokes about women. I don't hate women, but I find these funny in a depraved way.

    How many men does it take to mop a floor?
    None. It's a woman's job.

    What do you do if a woman comes out of the kitchen complaining?
    Make the chain shorter.

    How many sexists does it take to change a lightbulb?
    None. Let the bitch cook in the dark!

    What's the best thing about Women's Liberation?
    It gives you girls something to do in your spare time!

    Why does it take two gay men to rape a girl?
    One holds her down while the other does her hair.
    rjzip 02/16/2013 08:33 PM
  • beht, Those are absolutely disgusting. Love em......
    fenwaydav 02/16/2013 11:44 AM
  • By sick jokes, if you mean offensive, you've come to the right guy... (By the way.. Is there a line you're not supposed to cross here?) And since you started off with blasphemy and handicap jokes, I think it's just a line in the sand. In the Sahara desert with a sandstorm passing over it. So, here goes..

    Roses are red,
    Violets are glorious,
    Don't try to surprise
    Oscar Pistorius.

    What's the difference between a priest and acne?
    Acne comes on a boy's face only after he's reached puberty..

    What's common to Sonny Bono and Chaz Bono?
    Both dived head-first into bushes.

    What goes 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0?
    Karen Carpenter's dress size..

    What's common to Dale Earnhardt, Princess Diana and Pink Floyd?
    Their last big hit was The Wall

    Did you hear Amy Winehouse's family released a CD of her Greatest Hits?
    Or as it is known in medical circles, her toxicology report..

    What's the opposite of Christopher Reeve?
    Christopher Walken

    I hear Diana Ross' husband died climbing in South Africa
    I guess there is a mountain high enough..

    How many Alzhiemers patients does it take to change a lightbulb?
    To get to the other side.

    (I think that should suffice for now, but in case, you want more material, do check out Frankie Boyle, Ricky Gervais and Jimmy Carr - three hilariously offensive British comedic geniuses.)
    aliencubby 02/16/2013 09:13 AM
  • Two guys were walking along and see a dog licking his balls. One guy says to the other "I wish I could do that." The other guy replies "Don't you think you should pet him first."

    How do you get a gay man to fuck your wife? Shit in her cunt.....

    Why is a bible like a penis? You get it forced down your throat by a priest......
    fenwaydav 02/16/2013 08:25 AM