TAMPA, Fla. — For all the finger-pointing about Clint Eastwood’s rambling conversation with an empty chair on Thursday night, the most bizarre, head-scratching 12 minutes in recent political convention history were set in motion by Mitt Romney himself and made possible by his aides, who had shrouded the actor’s appearance in secrecy.

Clint Eastwood pretended to be speaking with President Obama, seated next to him.
Mr. Romney privately invited Mr. Eastwood, of “Dirty Harry” fame, to speak after the actor had given him a gravelly, full-throated endorsement at a star-studded fund-raiser at the Sun Valley Resort Lodge in Idaho this summer. “He just made my day. What a guy,” Mr. Romney joked with his donors that night, flanked by the fake log columns of the lodge.

Thus began an effort by Mr. Romney’s campaign over several weeks to inject a Hollywood-style surprise into the highly scripted, tightly controlled convention where Mr. Romney would formally accept the nomination of the Republican Party to be president.

Behind the scenes, Mr. Eastwood’s convention cameo was cleared by Mr. Romney’s top message mavens, Russ Schriefer and Stuart Stevens, who drew up talking points that Mr. Eastwood included, in his own way. They gave him a time limit and flashed a blinking red light that told him his time was up. He ignored both. The actor’s decision to use a chair as a prop was last-minute, and his own.

“The prop person probably thought he was going to sit in it,” a baffled senior aide said on Thursday night.

Mr. Eastwood’s rambling and off-color appearance just moments before the biggest speech of Mr. Romney’s life instantly became a Twitter and cable-news sensation, which drowned out much of the usual postconvention analysis that his campaign had hoped to bask in.

It also startled and unsettled Mr. Romney’s top advisers and prompted a blame game among them. “Not me,” an exasperated-looking senior adviser said when asked who was responsible for Mr. Eastwood’s speech. In interviews, aides called the speech “strange” and “weird.” One described it as “theater of the absurd.”

Ann Romney, who made the rounds of the three network morning shows, hardly pretended that she was happy as she was repeatedly asked about the speech. “I was thrilled for his support,” she said on NBC, trying to be positive. Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin said on MSNBC that he “cringed” as he sat in the hall during Mr. Eastwood’s performance.

The speech was a reminder of how fleeting a successful political moment can be, and how carefully staged events can be upset by an unpredictable turn. And it suggested a slip-up inside the button-down, corporate-style headquarters of the Romney campaign in Boston.

Romney advisers so trusted Mr. Eastwood, 82, that unlike with other speakers, they said they did not conduct rehearsals or insist on a script or communicate guidelines for the style or format of his remarks. For Mr. Eastwood, the convention speech was a bit part in a career that has had its political moments. Angered by zoning laws he did not like, he served one two-year term as mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea in California. In 1988, George Bush briefly considered choosing him as his running mate; he picked Dan Quayle instead.

During the weeks after Mr. Romney extended the invitation in Idaho, the actor’s role in the convention lineup was kept secret. On the public schedule, his slot was listed as “to be announced.”

As the last night of the convention approached, planners tried to keep a lid on the story even as Mr. Eastwood’s name leaked out on the Internet, hoping his appearance would be the good kind of a surprise, not the bad kind.

“If we announced it, it wouldn’t be a mystery anymore,” Mr. Schriefer told reporters, playfully.

Another adviser said that several top aides had reviewed the talking points given to Mr. Eastwood just a few hours before his appearance. They included a request to mention the millions of people who remain unemployed — something Mr. Eastwood did, though he misstated the number.

As actors sometimes do, he improvised.

Instead of reading off a teleprompter — something Mr. Eastwood is said to despise — he pretended to have a sarcasm-filled conversation with President Obama, seated by his side.

“What do you mean, shut up?” Mr. Eastwood said, mumbling to a befuddled audience. A moment later, he stopped again, saying, “What do you want me to tell Mr. Romney?”

“I can’t tell him that. He can’t do that to himself,” Mr. Eastwood said. “You’re getting as bad as Biden.”

Initially, there were no plans for Mr. Eastwood to take a chair onstage. But at the last minute, the actor asked the production staff backstage if he could use one but did not explain why.

Had Mr. Eastwood appeared earlier, many fewer people might have noticed. The networks began their hour of convention coverage at 10 p.m. Eastern time, which meant that Mr. Eastwood was the first act of the night for their millions of viewers.

He was scheduled to speak for about five minutes but stayed onstage for more than twice as long, throwing off the schedule for Mr. Romney.

Mr. Stevens, in an interview, said he would not discuss internal decision making, but he said that Mr. Romney was backstage during Mr. Eastwood’s remarks.

“He spoke from the heart with a classic improv sketch which everyone at the convention loved,” Mr. Stevens said, calling it “an honor that a great American icon would come and talk about the failure of the current president.”

Rush Limbaugh called Mr. Eastwood’s performance “bold.” But other members of the party faithful were not so sure. As they flew home from Tampa on Friday, some delegates grumbled that Mr. Eastwood was a waste of a prime-time slot that might have been better used to feature other speakers or the biographical video of Mr. Romney’s life.

Mr. Eastwood is generally liked and respected in Hollywood, where his colleagues often do not agree with his politics. Leonard Hirshan, Mr. Eastwood’s manager, said the actor was traveling and would not be available for interviews.

Mr. Hirshan said he had heard a chorus of response since the speech, divided evenly between those supportive and those critical. Mr. Eastwood’s next film, “Trouble With the Curve,” is set for release on Sept. 21.

“He does these things for himself,” Mr. Hirshan said. “It’s his private life. He believes in what he’s doing.”

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  • DOMA might be the only federal law (I can't right off think of any others either), but there are LOTS of anti-gay laws on the state and local level. For example, a number of states bar gay couple from adopting. And then there are the dreaded state constitutional amendments. Marriage equality would eventually mean the end of all or virtually all of those laws.
    BearinFW 09/06/2012 04:58 PM
  • Well, I know that approximately 25 percent of gay people vote Republican every presidential election. So it's obvious they put pocketbook issues and taxes ahead of gay rights on the importance scale.

    Many gay guys, in particular, don't seem to grasp the importance of marriage rights. But they are really important to all gay people, even those who have NO intention whatsoever of ever marrying another man. Most of the inequality toward gay people built into law is based on the concept that gay people can't get married and can't have kids and therefore don't deserve equal treatment. The end of the marriage ban effectively eliminates the legal basis for discrimination. It's kind of a final hurdle, and it's why civil unions aren't good enough.

    As for me personally, I am looking for work and have sent out quite a few resumes, but at my age and with a rather specialized and limited skill set, there just isn't much out there.
    BearinFW 09/05/2012 08:48 PM
  • If you'll go back to the original post, Erly, you'll see that you said "federal taxes" not "federal income taxes." But I'll give you that one :)

    As for your question, of course poor people don't directly create jobs. However, why should we give someone (i.e., a wealthy person) a tax cut just on the promise they *might* create jobs? That doesn't make sense. If you're going to give a tax break for job creation, do it afterward, by reducing the tax on money that was actually spent for job creation.

    Now, I have a question for you.

    Why should I vote for a Republican for president?

    I'm a 56-year-old man who probably makes an average to maybe a little below average wage. I make less than the average schoolteacher in this area, if that gives you an idea. I'm also in a field where I face imminent layoff. In fact, if I last another year, I'll be surprised. And once laid off, I could very well be without health insurance until I qualify for Medicare.

    On top of that, of course, I'm an out gay man.

    As far as I can tell, there is no reason whatsoever for me to vote Republican. A GOP win would severely slow the pace of gay rights gains, as well as kill Obamacare, which might be the only chance I would have to get health insurance.

    Voting for the GOP just isn't in my own self-interest, and isn't that the way most Americans in theory vote?
    BearinFW 09/05/2012 01:24 AM
  • Let's get one thing straight: It is not a privelage to get a job from anyone. I agree to allow someone to use my labor for what I feel is a fair price. I am not in beholding to the rich person nor is he beholding to me. It is a contract and nothing more. If the rich were so benhovelent why are they sitting on such wealth and not out creating jobs? The stock market has almost doubled under Obama so I know they have the cash. Lets agree that we all can come up with statistics and what I was always told about that is figures can lie and liers can figure. A flat tax? The Republicans will never agree to that because it doesn't allow them to write tax breaks and loopholes. You want to cut spending how about we start with the military? Why do we have to have troops in Japan,Korea,Germany,Turkey,Cuba and the UK? What about the "War on Drugs"? I love when Rebublicans cry less government they turn right around and say we need to continue this outrage. What about less government? I don't want Rebublicans telling me I can't have sex,I can't buy drugs, women can't have choice,women will work for less and I can't have the same rights that all straight people have in this country. It appears to me that the more and more I look at the way they behave it reminds me of a group we are currently trying to eliminate in one of their wars and I think we all know who that is? I don't want a Theocracy here and it was never the intention of those that wrote the original documents that we ever would but yet we have a party that is sure heading down that path. So welcome to the new western version of the Taliban!
    barney290 09/04/2012 04:07 PM
  • Better watch out Cowboybear, you may need Obamacare sooner than later. I would rather my taxes go to American's health care and well being that the likes of Bechtel, Blackwater, Haliburton, et al. Sounds like Dick Cheney is your kind of man!
    NJDAD 09/04/2012 03:47 PM
  • Agree with Robinmelbourne, well said and so right on!
    NJDAD 09/04/2012 03:44 PM
  • Very misleading stat, Erly. First of all, from the same story, only 18% of Americans truly don't pay federal taxes, as 82 percent do pay payroll taxes. The discrepancy between payroll and income taxes is mainly because of deductions like earned income credit and child deductions. And the folks who find their income tax reduced to zero because of those deductions are lower income and would not pay much tax even if the deductions were eliminated.

    And cmon. Except perhaps for their servants, how many rich people actually directly create jobs? Companies and businesses do the vast majority of hiring in the U.S. And except in small business, which most of the wealthy are not involved in, people are not investing their own incomes into the company.

    If you want to argue that rich people use their money to create jobs, it would only be indirectly, by investing in the stock market and the like. But how much of that REALLY goes to job creation? It's mostly about creating wealth for themselves and their brokers. Wealth is not and does not trickle down in this country. Otherwise, how could the upper 1% continue to keep acquiring a higher and higher percentage of national wealth? If it were trickling down, the percentage would stay closer to constant.

    You could just as easily say that average Americans contribute to job creation by putting money in 401(k)s and with their purchasing decisions.
    BearinFW 09/04/2012 01:14 AM
  • Erly, there is no way that that 50 percent paying no tax total is correct, unless you are counting people, including illegals, who just work on the cash economy.

    I really don't understand why GOPers are bitching so much about raising taxes on a relatively small number of the wealthiest taxpayers. That's right, Republicans still believe in the "trickle down" myth. Haven't you figured out that that is just the storyline to rationalize letting extremely wealthy political donors pocket a substantially bigger share of their money than people who work at Walmart?

    The extremely wealthy for the most part do little to contribute to job creation. Their extra millions go into making even more millions on the stock market.
    BearinFW 09/03/2012 04:48 AM
  • Cowboybear, you are wrong on the facts. You must listen exclusively to Fux Noise. They are telling you lies as if it is news. I know, many who get all their ideas from this one-sided news source think it is the only one that "tells it like it is" simply because it agrees with their predelictions. The truth is that if the radical conservatives gain control of our government then Obamacare will be turned into Romneydoesn'tcare, and the insurance companies will be back in control telling folks to fend for themselves. Elderly persons will be given a voucher and told to find insurance from the same people who deny coverage whenever they can; if you have pre-existing conditions, if you are too old, if you have serious health problems. They simply drop you because they have to make those billions to pay out in bonuses to top execs, etc. And the thing about getting an STD - Holy shit, that has been one of the aims of these conservatives, to put an onus on treatment so that people will act more "responsibly" which means if you get an STD, "Shame on you!" you will wear the "Scarlet Letter" especially if it is obtained during gay sex.
    rjzip 09/02/2012 01:31 PM
  • After reading this entry and those of the other posters, Cowboybear, you need to remember that if Romney is in, you and the rest of the gay community will travel back in time 60 years to non-existence. We will be marked by the Romney religious dictatorship as unworthy citizens and a disgrace to the human race , the same as he and his henchmen view us now. Comic relief is far from what happened on that stage that evening. It was out of control and fumbling chaos. You saw faces including the candidates in the crowd on camera that were yawning and looking at their watches or simply in total dismay as to the mindless ramble that was occuring in front of their eyes. Whatever it was that the so called strategy people of the party were after, this was not it.l How fitting and this and all the rest fo the on camera screw ups and lies they are caught in could not happened to a more deserving bunch of bible thumping gay haters. In answer to the closing sentence that was made by Cowboybear, if Romney is elected you , any illness you may have or afflictions or needs you may have as a one time citizen of this country will be 100% negated. Gays of the USA will have nothing, get nothing and be living in fear of of the regime living on Pennsylvania Ave.
    Robinmelbourne 09/02/2012 11:17 AM
  • I have to say where is the proof of such high taxes being imposed on the American public? The rates are as low as they have been in decades. The debt is a problem but why was there no outcry when the taxes were lowered during the last administration during wartime which is precedented in our history! Where is the outcry of lost jobs and stollen pensions by the thieves of Wall Street during the last administration? What I see is an older white establishment that is losing its grip on power to a changing America and they don't like it and are saying anything to rile up people. America can dfend itself easily today and if anyone really doubts that look up what we spend today on weapons. What about the veterans benefits of all of the people that do serve? I see we don't want to fund those do we we would rather have charities set up to do that and funnel off funds to people that run the charities. Take a look at history and you will find that it has been government run programs that have served us well when we have crisis like we do today. Cutting taxes has gotten us into this mess along with the lost jobs and wealth to Wall Street. Don't just listen to the rhetoric but actually do some research and learn a little about economics and foreign policy. I for one resent the right and their me first mentality. What happened to lets all pitch in and work to fix it? I don't see a lot of that from the Rebublican congrssional group? Wages for AMERICAN workers has remained flat for over three decades but yet people like the Mitt Romneys of the world have seen their incomes rise by astronomical percentages. So do I want someone that thinks it is OK to buy businesses steal their pensions, lay-off workers pay themselves for a great business deal and move his assets to places other than American banks to run my country? Absolutely not and he is just another version of the last Repbublican we had. Which by the way why did we get Clint and not George at the convention?
    barney290 09/02/2012 11:14 AM
  • Ah denial. Guess it's not just the river Baby Moses was allegedly left afloat in..
    aliencubby 09/02/2012 10:42 AM
  • I have to totally disagrfee with this post. Although the Eastwood was out there I think it was great comic releif and cut the the tention at the convention. As for ourselves we need to stop being one issue people and look at what is best for this country not just the gays of this country we all have families and loved ones. I ask you this what good is it to be accepect as a gay person in a country that is broke and can not defend us. Yes i believe that the republicans can stall the progress we have made in being accepted but I would rather have that then 4 more years of taxing and spending us to death and Obama care. Just remember be vary careful and do not get an std if Obama is reelected cause there will be no money for treatment.
    cowboybear 09/02/2012 09:54 AM