PUT THE WHITE..............

spotted at a romney klanfest......oops, i meant rally...........................in lancaster, ohio last week.

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  • Certainly no one here advocates violence against anyone, Erly. The young man didn't deserve to be attacked, whatever the reason.

    I will say, though, that considering the source, I have at least some doubts about the story you posted being the complete truth. Notice that the young man declined to talk to the Madison newspaper and police seem to indicate that he had a connection to his assailant.

    http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/crime_and_c … g/chad-lee -staffer-says-he-was-beaten-at-his-home/ article_a96de24e-1ee7-11e2-a6c4-001a4bcf 887a.html
    BearinFW 10/25/2012 09:45 PM
  • being southern i get more offended by the sudden adaptation by obama and biden of accents with horseshit racial code comments about chains..............those be the chains you want allllllllllllllllllllllll of us in?
    thunderstruck 10/25/2012 01:51 PM
  • Bear, wrestling with a pig in mud you soon find out that the pig enjoys it. I agree with your statement that any statement is not representative of 100% of the subject mentioned. Educated and wise people learn over time to fact check in places that they don't normally use. The subject of racism in this country brings out the fever reaction from many that racism doesn't exist except when blacks and liberals claims it does. We know it exists and always will with some but more and more people are realizing it and working to make it better. When it said that blacks are also racist I will not argue with that at all but then who wouldn't having to deal with what all minorities suffer? Let's look at the drug war,prison for profit inmates and the military. Are the minorities over representated in any of these? Stop and search laws, hold your ground laws?
    barney290 10/25/2012 10:12 AM
  • Hmmmm. That article's mainly just an attack on the Washington Post for daring to say something negative about Palin. Context matters mostly, Erly. For example, it's perfectly OK to call a white kid a "little monkey." But don't dare say it about a black child. You know that.
    BearinFW 10/25/2012 12:25 AM
  • And then, it doesn't really help Republican arguments when you have a party leader like Sarah Palin saying something like this :

    http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/pa lin-accuses-obama-shuck-jive-schtick-212 555554--politics.html
    BearinFW 10/24/2012 09:57 PM
  • Well, I don't think it's racist to point out that large numbers of black voters are anti-gay. This isn't racist. It's fact. And yes, the record minority turnout in 2008 played a big role in the Prop. 8 outcome. That's one reason that even though polls are indicating that the gay marriage proposal in Maryland will win this year, I have my doubts. Maryland has a huge number of African-American voters. Their political and religious leaders are often at odds on the issue of gay marriage. We'll see whether attitudes have changed that quickly or not. Polls showed us winning on Prop.8, too. For whatever reason, gay rights is something that quite a few voters lie about to pollsters. I guess they're afraid they would appear prejudiced.

    I think it would be helpful to point out that much of this kind of discussion is a generalization. But there's nothing wrong with using generalizations as shorthand. It obviously should be understood that NO statement about ANY group of people applies to everyone 100%. And it shouldn't be necessary to say that on any statement. Yes, of course3 there are white racist Democratic voters. But I think the evidence is pretty clear that a lot more white racist voters vote Republican.
    BearinFW 10/24/2012 08:51 PM
  • This Blog page has really had a great impact on me. I had always felt that the gay community was a shining light in the fight for equality on all levels. I have unfortanately found out that there are many racist gay men Sad
    gene245te5 10/24/2012 07:33 PM
  • Cmon, Erly. Drudge selects stories that fit the site's world view and writes headlines, often deceptively, accordingly. If you only got your news off Drudge, you would not be getting a well-rounded news report.

    Thunder, Ted Cruz is the Senate candidate you're talking about and he will win. TX is still a Republican-dominated state, though that isn't going to last. There are a lot of Hispanic Republicans in the state, particularly in South Texas. But his presence on the ticket, nor the occasional exception like Bobby Jindhal, does nothing to change the fact that the GOP has been playing racist politics in the South for at least 50 years now.

    Both parties use race to their advantage in redistricting. But what bothers me is that the GOP in Texas uses race viciously to dominate white votes. The GOP here is starting to run scared that after a decade of anti-Hispanic scare politics, they're losing the Hispanic vote and long-term face losing the state. Imagine that.
    BearinFW 10/24/2012 04:40 PM
  • When this kind of crude language becomes the contribution to the conversation, I drop out of the discussion
    gene245te5 10/24/2012 01:46 PM
  • The racism gig for the left is slowly running out of steam, too slowly.................the south where the republicans elected that indian american governor in louisiana, the indian american woman in south carolina, mark rubio in florida, the hispanic chap running in texas for the senate who will probably win (and btw he scares me.........i wish the tea party would stop picking candidates. funny thing about that racist south.....we laughed our asses off when the worst riots about school integartion happened in places like boston and detroit..................stick your bullshit left racist charges where the sun dont shine left has just as many, mostly jew haters
    thunderstruck 10/24/2012 11:52 AM
  • I have also been traveling in the swing states, particularly Ohio, and I find the exact same situation as Barney has described. I dont know how anyone can move around this country and still say Rebublicans are not promoting racism.
    gene245te5 10/24/2012 11:02 AM
  • Having just returned from being in the swing states for the last couple of months I can assure you that every day I heard the "N" word used to describe the President. Why are the voter laws being passed in states with high populations of minorities and making it harder and harder to register to vote? Billboards paid for anonymously that incorrectly say that it is a crime to vote without ID in over 100 poor neighborhoods predominetly black ones. Our president is called a moslem regularly and that he is not really an American. Anyone want to argue if Obama was a white man that this election would be close? Three and a half years of hateful attacks and he still holds more than a 50% approval rating. What got him elected in 2008 was the youth vote and if they trun out like they did in 2008 this election will be the same. You can put your head in the sand about racism in this country but it exists and from what I have seen in my travels is a very deciding oppinion on how to vote. If Republicans would stop giving us a reason to play the card maybe we would stop playing it. I call it forceable card playing!
    barney290 10/24/2012 10:19 AM
  • I can't necessarily speak to other states, but here in TX, the state party has been blatantly racist for years, with little attempt to even disguise it. A few years back, the Dems had a ticket of a black man for Senate, a Hispanic man for governor and a white man for lieutenant gov. The GOP actually campaigned against that ticket as the "affirmative action ticket" !!!

    Also, the state party goes HARD after any white Democrat that is elected in the state, while never challenging black incumbents and only occasionally Hispanics. It's very obvious that the strategy is to try to paint the Dems as the party of minorities.

    Well, all of a sudden, the state GOP is starting to run scared. Reason: The state's Hispanic population has exploded. Texas is already a minority-majority state, and the writing is on the wall that it's going to be majority Hispanic in the not too distant future. Only problem is the GOP's racist politics in this state have been consistently raising the percentage of Hispanics who vote Democrat. Back in the Bush days, it was relatively close; now, after years of immigrant bashing, it's more like 3-1. Even the GOP is now seeing that's a losing trend.
    BearinFW 10/24/2012 04:07 AM
  • It is a great big mistake to assume that because a guy wearing a shirt with an offensive phrase on it makes Republicans bad... There are lots of offensive slogans on clothing in both political parties...all one has to do is look.

    Once again, to infer or suggest that "all are bad" when there is a bad actor in the crown does not make the entire pool of people bad. It is a serious mistake to generalize!
    everysooften 10/23/2012 05:14 PM
  • Don't believe everything you read on Drudge, Free Republic, etc. (Or even HuffPo for that matter.)

    OK, we all know racism is out there and that it influences how some people vote.

    However, I don't see it being much of a determining factor in this election. 1. It was also a factor in 2008, and it certainly didn't outweigh other factors then. It may have gotten a little worse since then, but the racist vote is still a minority within a minority. 2. Let's be honest. The vast majority of racist voters, if they vote at all, are already Republican anyway and wouldn't vote for ANY Democratic nominee, regardless of race. The Republican Party for years has been running (in code) as the White People's Party, and especially down South and in places like here in Texas, it has been a successful strategy. (That will change here in TX, but that's another topic.)
    BearinFW 10/23/2012 04:46 PM
  • You have a good argument however the Republicans have for the past 3 1/2 years promoted the idea that Obama is not
    American, is different , doesnt understand American value====not one of us. It took its toll.
    gene245te5 10/23/2012 04:10 PM
  • i really should have put this in other terms Barney and Gene. In 2008 the man won with one of the largest majority popular votes in recent times.......it was a landslide. now here we are 4 years later and he's in danger of losing not just the electoral college but even if he wins that, he will probably lose the popular vote.

    so in the last 4 years all those people who either change their vote or cant bother to vote suddenly discovered they hate black people? i hope that notion sounds as stupid to you as it reads

    ofc now jimmy carter, the last most incompetent to hold the office can claim we all just hate peanut picking crackers)))
    thunderstruck 10/23/2012 03:05 PM
  • Gene playing the only other arrow in the quiver...............the race card.......sad, very sad
    thunderstruck 10/23/2012 01:59 PM
  • RIGHT ON GENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    barney290 10/23/2012 01:47 PM
  • If President Obama were a white man there would be no contest in this election. It is all about race especially among white men voters, most of whom do not have the slightest idea of what Romney is proposing for this country
    gene245te5 10/23/2012 01:42 PM
  • awwwwww and the american nazi party and the OWS people were partying together in Phoenix............these are the dangerous finges in america that infiltrate both sides of what's become a very sad country......both seeking to limit freedom
    neither romney and the mainstream republicans or obama and the mainstream democrats are racist and this is just silly shit
    thunderstruck 10/23/2012 11:25 AM