If you had to choose...#9

If you had to choose...would you rather

(A) Always be rich but know when you will DIE, OR

(B) Never make much money but knowledge of when you will DIE will remain a mystery?

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  • I think of your questions as deeply philosophical. Very much appreciate thinking about them from that perspective.

    The questions are thought-provoking. They embody ideas that require some serious consideration - from a standpoint of having more meaning than just the words and the structure of the either/or framing of the question.

    With that in mind I choose option B - because:
    (1) I don't care to know when I will die - having a date-definite is simply of no interest to me.

    (2) having money doesn't really relate to death - one is not conditional on the other...

    (3) I much prefer to live each day with zest and enthusiasm for the day as it is... believing it a blessing that I manage to roll out of the sack, my heart still beats and I am drawing breath for yet one more day... money, alone, will not enhance the quality of ANY day I am this side of 6 ft under...

    west Michigan
    everysooften 05/16/2012 08:57 PM