If you had to choose...#8

If you had to choose...would you rather

(A) Always live with jerks/idiots who most likely will never change, OR

(B) Live with your parents who you often dont get along with for the rest of your life?

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  • Thought about this question for a couple days...

    I select option A - because: life is full of idiots and jerks. I work with people like that. You can't run away from jerks and idiots, the world is full of 'em! Living with the parents merely because I don't get along with them gives me few options (their house, their rules!). Not getting along with the folks can happen whether I live with them or live elsewhere. They will still be my parents.
    everysooften 05/12/2012 10:15 PM
  • C. Jump off a bridge.
    MascBottomPig 05/12/2012 07:19 PM