From FreakOut Nation Blog

Head of penis church says building is not shaped like a penis, even though it looks just like a giant penis
November 11, 2013
By Anomaly
Everybody is talking about the church shaped like a penis, because it’s shaped like an enormous penis. From Google maps, the new Christian Science Church of Dixon, can be viewed from above, showing the hysterical shape of the church. But, the church officer explains all of that in an inadvertently hilarious way.

Scott Shepherd said, “The Internet has great capability for good and great capability for gossip and destruction.”

Dude, I’d never destroy a perfectly good penis.

But when asked whether the church now intends to alter the shape, Shepherd answered, “None whatsoever,” adding that he doesn’t see what others think they see.

“We didn’t design it to be seen as what they’re seeing,” he said. “And we didn’t design it to be seen from above.”

So, God is not supposed to see it?

John McLane, an architect said, it’s “a little bit of a stretch” to say the church shape resembles what others suggest. It was probably an accident, he said, and an architect wouldn’t necessarily have noticed the shape while designing it.

No no no, I disagree. I’ve seen one or two penises (ahem) and it looks just like one. Just like a giant penis. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

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