I wonder....

Each year at a Gay Pride March I see the numbers of us, and the numbers of those who love us for who we are, and those we love because they are open to love. In wonderment I think, "we are so many, yet we are so anemic in the life blood involvement of 'all of our' country." I don't always agree with what 'Act Up' does, but do you think AIDS would still be a death sentence without them? I think... if one Gay Pride Day, we might all dress as we do when we work and each of us would hold up a banner with the logo of every credit card and financial fund we have. Would that help those with the loudest fiscal voices who now rule both our government and five members of the Supreme Court, think more queerly? I wonder what would happen if this one march became one unified presentation- everywhere- at one time? I wonder if this one 'Act' would affix 'Up' in all of our minds 'that we are in fact as one'... a very strong 'one?' I wonder if wherever there is a Gay march or a spontaneous gathering of LGBT people and their loved ones... could this one grand event, this one day, this one year, in this one country demonstrate the true powerful unity of 'us' showing the actual connectedness with 'them,' actually occur?............... And then I wonder, if even for just one day would bling, bangles, and boas get in our way?
My vaguely recalling the 60's side hears you. I was born in 1966 so the 60's vibe was passed to my by my older brothers and sisters. I get the "if you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem" ethos. And then, I hear Kelley. When I go to an "event" and see nothing but fetish elements, I'm kind of turned off. If that's where someone is at, bully for them, but I don't see many non-flamboyant folks to hang with. I have a lot of appreciation for the drag queens-- they are the ones who started Stonewall. But it seems that those of us that are laid back and not "out there" have no one to bond with.
Tongue-in-cheek, lemme say that with our current political situation some may say, "Look! All the cocksuckers are rich! Let's round'em up and get our share!"