Stonewall June 28, 1969/Gay Pride 2016

We have another year to celebrate, remember, grieve, and reconfirm our resolve that we ‘Are-Out (period).’ Being polite to those who are not, turning the other cheek when we are slapped, and compromising with those who demand that it’s their way or the highway is ‘not an option.’ Be respectful to the respectful, generous to the generous, supportive to the supportive, and loving to the loving… that includes each other. The golden rule; do to others as you would have others do to you… needs to be amended… ‘give back as you are given and be generous with it.’

We of the LGBT+ community are everywhere and open in those parts of the world that we call civilized. Show a picture of how you celebrated Gay Pride this year and give an explanation. We all want to see just how we are different which makes us all the same. Perhaps we might even help those elsewhere feeling isolated and ashamed to be who they are where they live to educate, socialize, and spur their inhuman sections of world to join the rest of humanity.


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  • sexy
    primetightkid 07/17/2016 02:45 PM
  • @machinetoole, thanks for the news from NM. It sounds like you had a fun time. Sounds, too, that you're looking more forward to the Ro-Day-Oh and maybe wrangling up a few cowpokes? I got lost in that one part of your story about the partaking of drinks on your lap, but I'll take ya at your word! :)

    I always look forward to Pride, and this year, with the shootings in Orlando, it takes on a special significance for me, as I'm sure with everyone else. While Pride is a celebration of our collective community, which I love, now it seems almost like a reunion as it's really only once a year that I do get to see many out of town friends who come for the celebration. I enjoy being able to reconnect if only for a short bit.

    San Diego Pride celebrations start July 15th through the 17th next month. I want to say that it's always hot and dry for the Pride Parade and the celebrations, but last year, preceding the start of the parade, the sky opened up with thunder, lighting and a deluge of rain. It was a pretty tremendous sight having all the Dykes On Bikes rumble by on their Harleys with a backdrop of thunder and lighting. Everybody went nuts--it was pretty exciting!

    The Frontrunners here (local gay running group) always sponsor a 5k that precedes the parade. It's a social event, but there are serious runners there, and there are men and women that work on their bodies that's VERY NICE to see. For sure a fun time. If anyone is thinking of heading this way for Pride, here's the link to San Diego's Pride Events webpage:, and if you're thinking of running, here's the link to register for the race: Hope to see you there.

    Wherever you are, Happy Pride!
    furball 06/28/2016 03:36 PM
  • And then the pope comes out Sunday and says Christians should apologize to gay people because of slights by the church. Francis is trying to drag the Catholic Church into the 21st Century. … index.html
    BearinFW 06/27/2016 04:09 AM
  • Yup... I did. I find it all very moving.

    Santa Fe has a wonderful get-to-gether of and for the LGBT community on the last Friday of the month called ‘Friday Nights with Dorothy.’ We are not just accepted here. We are a part of everything as much as any other group. But the Dorothy events are just social- sponsored by a hotel or cooking school, restaurant, or any venue where members of the community at-large wants to give back. One of the major hotels in town, The Eldorado, served up an impressive spread of hot and cold Hors d' oeuvres and dips. Friends meet at these events and new friends are made. As for my spouse Andy and I, we are here for the Summer and Christmas so it’s like ‘old home week’ with promises of getting together and/or finally visiting us in New York. A rather good Flamenco group consisting of quite artistic acoustic guitarist, singer, and dancer. performed on a specially laid parquet floor. All my photos of this did not come out and the camera did not do so well the next day, Gay Pride either. So, sorry, no pictures... only narration.

    Santa Fe is a tourist town even if it is a capitol city. There are many times more hotel rooms than homes. Even the visitors to ‘The City Different’ come to ‘The Plaza’ for the shortish but a varied and stylish parade. Like with all the festivals that happen in-town booths of related items and services pop up under portable flea-market type shelters. Just like all the other Summer markets those in attendance graze in and around the cabanas that bloom under the trees here in the center of the historic part of the oldest capitol city in the North America, perhaps South America as well. The well respected Gay mayor has his say under the gazebo just after the Star Spangled Banner is sung… We are full citizens now, so the anthem is not just a song learned in grade school. I has a far greater and deeper meaning.

    The crowd begins to disperse going to the Pool Party at The Lodge, or a club. Some get together for lunch, or dinner, or just shop for dinner to eat privately. Then there is the rodeo that is in town. (Pronounced Ro-Day-Oh Day Santa Fay) The Gay Rodeo will be in August this year. We met up with friends at the rodeo grounds. We all dined on greasy hamburgers and curly cheese fries balancing it all with a drink on our laps in the bleachers while having cowboy day dreams watching cowboy candy. Well, what the hell. Gay pride comes around only once a year… and so does the rodeo.

    Whenever your gay pride is or was celebrated, I hope its the best one ever. It should be… Gay pride commemorates the Stonewall Riots. As mentioned above as of Friday, the Stonewall is a national historic site like those honoring woman’s rights in Seneca Falls, and African American rights in Selma. As I said in the opening of this blog, It is all of our differences that makes us all the same.
    MachineToole 06/26/2016 07:43 PM
  • Did you see that they made the area around the Stonewall a National Monument?
    BearinFW 06/26/2016 04:08 AM