According to the Heritage Foundation, one out of five Americns - 67 million people - now relies on federal aid to obtain food, housing, education or health services, or to cover lost wages due to unemployment.

The original purpose of goverment assistance was to "help the very poor get back on their feet," not to maintain the middle class in a comfortable lifestyle paid for by working taxpayers. Government assistance programs now cost $2.5 trillion a year - about 70 percent of the federal budget. If the U.S. wants to avoid a "Greek-like debtpocalypse," we've got th reverse the growing culture of dependency. (

I am sure this is what a prior poster meant when he stated that the U.S. might "go the way of Europe." If we continue in this direction our economy is in danger of imploding, just like the economy of Greece.

There is a lot of self-delusion that one side of the asile or the other has the solution. I doubt that. Political discuissions on this page are a peretinent example. Regardless of the validy of a given proposition, this page erupts with debatable assertions and less than coherent reasoning, usually reflecting the stance of one party or the other. Stalemate!!

It's time we stop listening to 'sound bites' and political hype - our country needs folks to pay attention, ask questions and stop playing into the hands of self-serving politicos!


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  • And I say that there is a free lunch ...
    - For mice in a trap!
    Zhora 05/03/2013 07:16 AM
  • Right you are, my friend, except that I think the gov't should work TOGETHER, stop the bi-partisan crap, which is what it is. Nowadays, when you vote, it is very seldom that you "with" a great candidate, we are usually set up to vote for the "lesser of two evils", and that really sucks.
    Spooner 06/03/2012 06:59 AM
  • I agree that the debt is large and getting larger but let's not forget who actually gave us this debt. Does anyone remember that only a few years ago we actually had a surplus? We can say it is all about jobs but i also think it is a bout failed policies. Great lt's blame Obama but look at what happened when Roosevelt took office? It took years and a President that today would be impeached if he tried to inact what Roosevelt did. We need to quit blamint our government and blame ourselves fo where we are. It is a fact that almost one in four people that are elligible to vote in this country NEVER ever register! Out of the rest less than 44% do vote so do the math and you see that a minority elects our government. We sent our troops overseas so that others could did their fingers in kink wells and vote yet we don't vote. It is not like it was years ago now it is a global economy and we are not the only ones cousuming things. Our workers are the best trained and best producers if we only allowed them to compet fairly against anyone else. It is easy to blame but who is doing anything to solve the problems? Get involved,serve on a committee, volunteer do something to help and then you have all the right in the world to voice your concerns and complaints. You may not like Obama but look at the alternative being offered? He enjoys firing people(chuckle), he is against national health care for those that have none, he can't even eat a couple of cookies offered to him without complaining and I can go on and on about how out of touch this guy is. If Washington,Jefferson Eisenhower and Reagan were around today they would be considered radical leftists. What happened to cooperation and compassion? We are a nation of almost 400 million people and not the country of years ago. We need to get busy, get active and help one another and stop pointing fingers.
    barney290 05/15/2012 12:13 AM
  • I happen to agree with much of what U have written, BayBubba. I'm not so sure, however, that U will get lots of agreement from many of the guys who read the blogs on this site because they seem to be focused on "non-econmic" issues such as marriage.

    There was disturbing article in the Philadelphia Inquirer which reported that 1 in 7 grandparents who are taking care of their own grandchildren are, they themselves going hungry, just so that the grandkids can eat. This is really sad! I'd like to know where in hell the PARENTS are?

    The answer to these issues is JOBS! Where in hell is the president with his promise--foolish man to even make such a promise--that the unemployment rate will be solved. It takes JOBS Mr. Obama, not hot air!
    ilikemeninjocks 05/14/2012 06:49 PM