True Bi-Partisanship

I want to applaud our leaders in Congress for their most recent display of true bi-partisanship. You may think I am referring to the excellent example the women of the Senate showed in crafting the oh so temporary solution to the self-made crisis our $174,000 a year elected representatives just crafted. No, although I do doff my hat to the ladies of the Senate for showing the dead ole boys how to compromise I refer to a much better example of bipartisanship we have just been subjected to.

You see there is this damn on the Ohio River between Illinois and Kentucky. It was supposed to cost about 1/4 billion to build. So far it has cost $2B and isn't done. Illinois is home to Dick Durban, Senate Minority Whip and Kentucky as you probably know is home to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Both senators have supported this damn, damn. Thanks to Dianne Feinstein D, CA and Lamar Alexander, R, TN the bill our esteemed president signed last night included a provision to send funds to this hole in the ground. Only a politictian, Like Harry Reid, D, NV could call this measure, "a savings to the taxpayer".

All told the legislation that saved the country from the self-inflicted crisis included $3,000,000,000.00 in pork. Included in the pork was giving the widow of Senator Frank Lautenberg, D, NJ the $174,000.00 he would have earned this year had he not died. Now while I am all for taking care of widows and orphans, Senator Lautenberg left an estate worth between $50 and $110 million to his widow. Apparently she can now afford to get the Bentley's detailed.

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  • Saw this in today's Times--this post seemed like the appropriate place to put it. Click on the pic for larger view. :)
    furball 10/20/2013 05:15 PM
  • Even if there were grounds to impeach the president (there aren't, legitimately at least), there's no way he would be removed from office by the Senate. So what's the point? Didn't the GOP learn from Clinton? The House has already wasted enough of the American people's time without doing something stupid like that. Just because you might have the votes to do something doesn't mean it's a worthwhile thing to do.

    Boy, the disconnect, I don't believe, has ever been greater in this country between the conservatives/right wing/GOP and the rest of us. It's almost like we don't even live in the same country anymore.
    BearinFW 10/19/2013 01:44 AM
  • I don't give any of the fuckers credit. They were all too busy in COA, instead of doing the people's business.
    jacker 10/18/2013 07:00 PM
  • Boenhner could have ended this two weeks ago by letting the House vote on the same thing. So he is due no credit.

    The entire self-engineered "crisis" was planned by the Pachyderms in the Spring and funded by the Koch brothers to the tune of $200 million.
    txholdup 10/18/2013 11:14 AM
  • Anyone catch what Representative Louie Gohmer had to say about this whole episode? He admits that this was all a plan hatched by Cruz and others to deflect the Congress and President Obama from working on the Immigration Bill. He is caught on on video admitting this. Nice to know that they(GOP) just through 24 billion(Debt/Deficit?) away on a distraction.
    barney290 10/18/2013 08:29 AM
  • Have to begrudingly give Speaker Boehner credit, too, for finally saying enough is enough and letting the House pass the Senate bill without majority Republican support.
    BearinFW 10/18/2013 12:02 AM