Over 50 and still wanted
You know i been on here for awhile now and i am happy but surprised that so many younger guys like us older ones. I thoought after you hit fifty that no one wanted you and I thought after i hit fifty I would be alone for the rest of my life as alot of younger guys that I had talk to on other sites really rag on you and they can be so cruel since they are so much younger, The responses that even I have received totally blew me out of the water and some of the nice comments that i have received l Nice to know someo really does care
But what I have had trouble doing is getting guys around my own age to show any interest. They're all looking for young stuff :)
Guys, the ball goes around but once...dance with all, snog some. love some...but everyone is on the sites like this one, which I find to be quite nice, and our host, also nice, for one thing, to connect. If age makes the deal a broken one, so be it...but give everyone room to at least ask...after all, a cup of coffee? Really?
Serving 78...79...80...81...82... ;)
But seriously I have a close friend who is 54 and was on A4A and one of the rude younger users there wrote "Gross!" to him.
And he comes here and the guys are like "You're so hot!" to him.
So that makes me feel good. No one wants to be treated like crap by some young twerp.
I can't stand over inflated egos anyways. I live in Fort Lauderdale and there's "beautiful" guys everywhere. Some are nice and some are obnoxious and rude. One time I went to the beach with some and they kept making fun of the guys who didn't look as good as them, their body shape etc. It was like being on the beach with 3 Paris Hiltons. Who wants to hang out with people like that?
I felt like i was in high school all over with the nerds vs the bullies and I never hung out with them again.
Some people need to grow up, people are just people. If you're not interested in someone just move on, no need to rag on anyone.