Nevada United States
Last online 1413653696
Nevada United States
Last online 1413653696
I feel like I am a nice guy and someone you can alway talk to. I am considerate of your feelings as well as my own. I would never ask you to do anything your not into. Being forceful is not nice. My request is that you have a picture in file and you are a guy and not a guy who wears womens clothes not into that scene. I do love to give body massages to guys in shape and take care of their bodies. I am a non smoker and never ever did drugs not even sure how do to that. So if you are interested drop me a line i do not bite (or do I) i guess you will just have to find out. Other things i am inot we can discuss that or things your into this is not a me thing................................... ........
5' 6"
150 lbs
19 - 47
° relationship
° dating
° friends
° sex