I love f/b.. I have three children, 4 grandchildren and a very few great friends. My kids live a distance away.. f/b keeps me in the loop with them all.. at first it seemed a bit distant and clinical.. now we post pics of the day/ week.. trips, new and old friends . My two oldest grandaughters just passed their drivers tests! I felt like I was there!. .Say what you will.. privacy? YOUR CALL on f/b and others.. Who your friends are? YOUR CALL.. YOU make the decisions. .stop being so negative. get off your ass and get positive. and just maybe. .JUST MAYBE it is YOU and not the others? LOL face it.. maybe you just suck? LOL
I have to say, it was great connecting with many friends from 30 or so years ago on Facebook. But after awhile it seemed just another ego-fest....in my opinion. So, yes, i deleted my account there.
There is a wonder ad on TV for something. This "girl" says I read an article, or at least most of an article on the web about how older people are becoming more and more shut down, to paraphrase. So I aggresively insisted my parents join Facebook. They have 19 friends she says with disappointment or disdain in her voice. Meanwhile in the backround it shows the parents unloading their bikes in park and meeting another couple and riding through the forest, smiling and laughing. Pan back to the girl, "I have over 400 friends" she says still sitting in the house in front of her computer.
I use gay related websites for meeting people, bank on-line, trade stocks on-line, do research on-line, spend enough time on-line. I have no interest whatsoever in connecting with kids from high school I had nothing to do with then. Nor lost relatives, I'm not lost if they wanted to stay in touch they could have, I didn't. Not on Facebook and have no plans to join, the 6 sites I am on now are more than enough.
Facebook is too public...too easy for people to dig up dirt on you for jobs and school applications...and I went to the same college as mark zuckerberg and he is legendary for treating people like shit.
I would never use facebook for any other reason, so I am considering using a fake name so I can get the coupons I want
I use gay related websites for meeting people, bank on-line, trade stocks on-line, do research on-line, spend enough time on-line. I have no interest whatsoever in connecting with kids from high school I had nothing to do with then. Nor lost relatives, I'm not lost if they wanted to stay in touch they could have, I didn't. Not on Facebook and have no plans to join, the 6 sites I am on now are more than enough.