It's the primary key.
It's what can build or destroy walls.
Some walls are there to protect, some to shield.
Some walls are meant to be ignored, while others can be learned from.
They all have their places.
But through communication, we can tear down the walls that have no purpose.
Learn to see walls that we have forgotten.
Teach others to see where and why walls were built, in hopes that they will not make the same wall.
We all have issues. We all have had problems. We all must find our way of dealing with things.
Some will withdrawal, others will flourish. Some will become stronger, others will shrivel away.
Hope. Fear. Desire. Ambition. Ego. ID. Aspiration. Needs. Pain. Love. Perspective. Strength. Failure. Trust.
All these help to build the fortresses around ones heart.
On their own, each is easy to handle. Together they form strong bonds.
Only words can help break those bonds. Only through understanding can the walls come down.
Only through love, can the light pass through the cracks, and show the way.
Only through communication, can love pass through the way.
Only with understanding, can love find a way.
Friends can bring love. Friends can bring understanding.
Love can be a friend. Love can be understanding.
Love can build a wall.

Well spoken.