My favorite has to be when I was a kid. My Mother always made a feast so the memories would last all year. The Table was set days in advance, with Fine China we only used a few times a year. That way she would not have to worry about it while she was cooking. Thanksgiving Eve, the baking was done. Pies from scratch even the crust. Around midnight the Turkey went into the oven. I never figured that out since you can cook a Turkey in 3 to 4 hours. Around noon time company started to arrive. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. The food kept coming all day.
I now own that Fine China. Sadly, my Grandparents, Mother, Aunts and Uncles are all gone now.
Everytime I use that China I think back to all the fun times we had as a family while eating off those dishes. Thank You, Mom for creating Family Memories I will never forget.
My fondest memories of Thanksgiving were our shared meals together. My mother and my aunt would prepare the meal for eight kids and four adults. My aunt cooked as she had learned from her mother - Ukrainian ancestry. That meant that special meals like Thanksgiving required that there be thirteen different dishes. They were always so awesome! There is something special about a woman like my aunt whose primary territory in the house is the kitchen! When she teamed up with my mother back in the early days of my memory I was the recipient of more love and care than I realized. I cherish the memory because as time moved along the value of such family traditions has become more and more the treasure of a lifetime!
While my parents have now passed on, my uncle died in April of this year - my aunt just turned 90 this September - I have the joy of seeing her now and then and reliving the joys of my childhood. We celebrated her 90th with a big family gathering and managed to keep it a surprise until one of her grandchildren gave the show away the night before! But the joy of now doing something special for my "most special aunt" is the joy of a life time.
I hope my kids will have fond memories of their holidays when I am no longer sit at the table...
God bless one and all this holiday time.
west Michigan