I have 26 years military service in my background. Am a retired officer and served in a variety of assignments - infantry and base support operations in the Army. I commanded two units and had the privilege of working in a 3-star headquarters (where my desk sat just outside the general's office)...
I spent three years in that 3-star headquarters. There were, of course, many many people who were consider "up and comers" in the Army passing by my desk almost daily.
It was a different Army then, I guess than what I am reading and seeing with the crap going on with General Petraeous (Army) and General Allen (Marine Corps). For example, it was very rare that I even spoke with the General as day-to-day activities went along. That was before the advent of personal computers and email accounts, of course...
But how in the hell does a 4-star general (evidently, Allen) get somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 emails with a two-titted bimbo know-nothing who can write well?
I have been on the internet with various email accounts ever since retiring in 1990. If the "relationship" with that woman extended to 24-months and if he had only 20,000 emails that would mean there were 833 emails per day every day!
That is one hell of a lot of communicating going on!
It would seem that the Army I knew is not the Army of present day times...
4-star generals are busy guys!
if it was 20,000 emails in a 24-month period that would be 833 emails a month - more like 27 per day...
still a lot of communicatin goin on...