Are Oral-Only Guys Marginalized in the LGBT Community?
Hey....I had anal sex, mostly as a top and only once as a bottom, when I was in my 20's. Frankly I only did it to please my partners as it wasn't my preference. I got to the stage where someone called me an, "Oral Cock Worshiper" and the moniker stuck with me. That is what I self-identify with as a sexual passion and priority. I started cock at (*Date deleted. no underage stories here) and embraced the fact that I am a cocksucker by the time I turned 30. I've always felt this sort of gay "lite" feel about not doing anal and have been told that it's because I'm a control freak (huh?). Anyway, what's your take on the whole discussion about oral vs. anal and those of us who simply aren't into sodomy (as the Christian right and GOP candidates might say....)?
So oral give and take I get more out of it. I'm only 23.
Also, gay people, like most other folks, don't generally in a social setting sit around talking about what they do or don't do in bed. (Well, some do, but that's another topic ...) I can't see any reason why you would be marginalized or blacklisted, or whatever you want to call it, by the LGBT community. There are lots of things to talk about besides how you don't like a cock in your ass, or your cock in one!