I love America....the only land with the hope of working towards opportunity and success. But as you enjoy your beaches and barbeques...remember: the founding fathers who preached freedom liberty and democracy OWNED SLAVES! The Dred Scott decision of 1851 had the Supreme Court determine that a black person was 3/5 a human being. Over time the Court has evolved to grant more freedom and equality. Let us hope full equality is finally granted to our community. As recent attempts at voter supression have shown us...the fight is not yet over. Enjoy your hot dogs. Now if only Gov. Christie will accidently choke on his-lol

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  • The Republicans on the Supreme Court have recently made two rulings that jeopardize the freedom we all seek. The Citizens United desicion (which should have been called the Corporate Takeover decision) says that corporations are people. Bullshit! The decision that defeats the Voter Rights Act means the Republicans can move now to get voter ID in all states where they rule and they can continue to gerrymander in such a way that they will continue to elect a majority of representatives while not actually gaining the majority of votes. ETC. I'm sure they will think of new wrinkles in their laws that keep African Americans from polluting their lily-white, religiious-right agenda.
    rjzip 07/07/2013 10:10 AM
  • "..the only land with the hope of working towards opportunity and success."

    Yeah.. Somehow, I can't agree with that ;)
    aliencubby 07/07/2013 01:56 AM
  • As a white man married to a half black woman(her dad was black) i would totaly agree with you
    skipp54 07/06/2013 09:58 PM