I went to the Boston V.A. Medical Center for an appointment. The day I dreaded has arrived. For the first time since he was elected (actually took office) Almost 9 months later the official portrait photograph of our president was placed in the main lobby. Prior to this the spot just remained blank, which was fine with me. Of all the pictures he could have chosen 45 choose this one. That's the face I have when I got fisted the night before and tried to take a shit the next morning. As you see by the other pictures, even if you don't like them they have smiles. I don't know about you, but when coming into a building and you see that face I just wanted to puke. Yeah, lets be honest, even if he had a smile I still wouldn't have liked it...PS, for some reason I wasn't able to put the pictures with the blog so I put it in the comment section.

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  • I am right leaning no need to infer anything there. But I'm not Republican. I've actually stated that multiple times. And politically there is a left and a right. That is how the opposing sides are viewed and labeled this has taken place since we'll before my father was born so why use anything different?

    As far as trump goes maybe you should give him as much time as you gave Obama? He had 18 months before he really did anything. Unless u count closing Guantanamo for a whole day. Nuclear war wouldn't even be possible with north Korea now if it wasnt for raegen and the Clinton's. So give credit where it is due
    doankyl 10/09/2017 06:57 AM
  • Unfit. Trump is unfit.

    His opponents even within his own party warned us he would be unfit for the job of President, and who can seriously question that this many months into his joke of a Presidency?

    He's not wrong, he's not stupid, he just lacks the character requirements to be President. He repeatedly does stupid impulsive stuff that others have to sort out. He undermines his own subordinates with embarrassing frequency. And this isn't some kind of "reverse psychology" stunt where he's just trying to create a sense of himself as unfit, no sir, it's the real thing.

    He's shown it again and again, he lacks the qualities of character that all the rest have had, including several that I couldn't stand.

    I have never thought unfit of any of them before, not even Nixon. not even "W," I never wondered if one of them was going to get us into a nuclear war because he had tweeted a stupid, but now I wonder about that on a regular basis.

    By the way, ever notice that an early sign that someone's political views probably leaned toward the right, might be his use of the term "the left?" LOL only right wingers who get most of their political ideas from talk radio shows think and label that way, or believe that there is some entity out there called the left, or that if Trump gives you the willies, you are part of "the left"... sheesh!
    AnonymousBlogger 10/08/2017 07:03 PM
  • Why is it that the left is always elevating trump from president to king? It really doesn't make any sense........I understand that a large portion of the right thinks trump can do no wrong but if you think about it the left acted like Obama was the second coming so party politics happen on both sides, why act like you are above when you are directly participating in it?????????
    doankyl 10/07/2017 10:53 AM
  • Fenway...,
    I usually don't banter back and forth in this forum but thank you for your civilized response and I can appreciate your observation. But I do have to address just one point of your observation that President Trump has brought these issues on himself. I find that statement a little difficult to agree with. He has only been in office 9 months and unable to get anything thru the legislature so from my observation I think that those issues were inherited from previous administrations.
    And one observation of my own: regardless of what political party you support, we as Americans should feel very sad as to the point that our government has evolved. Washington should be ashamed of itself and start working for the people who put them in power to do a job not for a parties agenda's.
    You sound like an intelligent and well versed individual and I'm sure I would enjoy a friendly debate with you.
    Glad that you participate...
    buzbuz 09/29/2017 02:17 PM
  • I liked George C. Scott in the movie "flim flam man" because when it was over I could go home and realize it was just a movie. It is just not the same with Trump. This is a real "Flim Flam Man! Wait until you get the tax plan?
    barney290 09/29/2017 08:37 AM
  • buzbuz, Thanks for your thoughts. My post was more of an observation than a criticism. But now that you brought it up, most of the things you mentioned to why his majesty isn't smiling is brought on by himself. You like and support him? I'm happy for you.
    fenwaydav 09/29/2017 07:58 AM
  • Maybe President Trump is not smiling because he is busy trying to fix, health care, the economy, obstruction in our government, a divide in our country, and not to mention our standing in the world. Plus putting up with people that would rather criticize his smile than move our country forward.
    Isn't your posting kind of petty, take a look at the big picture then take a selfie and see if you are smiling...
    buzbuz 09/29/2017 07:30 AM
  • So you have below, in order, "Got Those Chicken Neck Things," "Big Teeth," and "Still Got That Fist Up There."

    Big Teeth is my favorite of them, and who else but Still Got That Fist Up There could make Got Those Chicken Neck Things look like a goddam moderate!
    AnonymousBlogger 09/28/2017 09:01 PM
  • 3
    fenwaydav 09/28/2017 05:49 PM
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    fenwaydav 09/28/2017 05:48 PM
  • It wouldn't let me upload with blog????
    fenwaydav 09/28/2017 05:48 PM