
I am just curious to hear what people are thinking about the events of the past week?

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  • High capacity weapons need to be removed from our society. Pass common sense laws. Educate people to identify potential dangers. Get NRA money out of politics.
    Brkbad09 08/18/2019 07:14 AM
  • I think the militia needs to be weller regulated.
    Pavement 08/11/2019 11:48 PM
  • ucncincy you could not have said what you did better. Very well put together and well stated.
    I think with the mass shootings there could also be included the isolation of/and with the internet.
    As for inner city guns you are absolutely correct as you are with the mentally ill and a big change in family.
    buzbuz 08/10/2019 09:03 PM
  • The problem isn't caused or even exacerbated by our gun laws but rather by the lack of mental health facilities for placement of those unprepared to live within our society. The United States used to institutionalize people with mental illnesses keeping them off the streets and away from guns. During those times mass shootings were extremely rare occurrences. People complained the facilities were inhumane yet offered no real solutions to assist the mentally challenged. The institutional system was shuttered leaving many on the streets.

    Whether we like it or not, we also must look to the parents for their input. In the case of the Dayton shooter, he was 18 and lived with his parents: he wasn't a stranger to them. They had to have known of his proclivities, his anger, the failure of his mental faculties. and the danger he posed to the public. By doing nothing to prevent it, they lost their son and when he shot his sister, their daughter too.

    We can get angry, we can go into denial phases, we can stamp our feet and scream for strengthened gun control laws but that together improves nothing for the mentally challenged. None of that effort will get the impaired off the streets, will keep them on their medications, or will rid the United States of over 460 million guns. It also won't decrease violence in the inner cities as no one has a plan to disarm the people in Baltimore or Chicago. No one could. If anyone tried, calls of racism would hit the airwaves. I must ask, would the implication of racism make guns suddenly palatable to the Left?

    Our media has tried to paint a picture of mass shootings as being something known only in the United States yet eleven countries have higher rates of mass shootings including the countries of Finland and Switzerland. They've now added all the inner city gang/drug killings into the total of the mass shootings (but there is no outcry from minorities to remove guns from their brethren and no ability to accomplish the act) inflating the number.

    In order to address the problem of guns in the inner cities you must first change society's outlook on parenting, schooling, discipline, drug abuse, and marriage. Studies have proven that children raised in a home with a father do substantially better in life that those raised by a single mother. Our welfare system benefits women who choose not to marry with higher payments. The rapid rise in single parent households since LBJ's Great Society all but assures poverty will be inherited generation after generation yet pointing out the flaws of LBJ's effort could be misconstrued as racist. It didn't work then and it doesn't work now.

    If the unwed mother cannot find work or fails to socialize her children they will fail as students leaving them to lag behind others. If the unwed mother abuses drugs, abuses alcohol, or makes similar bad decisions, then her children will suffer. But, pointing this out can be misconstrued as racist even though the data is the same for all races of unwed mothers.

    We can blame many factors for the deaths caused by guns in the inner cities of the United States but one constant never changes: your children are killing your children and you do nothing about it until you have to purchase the coffin yourself. It is simple, if one cares enough to keep their kids at home at night the chance for their survival improves. If one cares what their kids learn in school, how proficient they are becoming in math, English, the sciences then the chance for their thriving improves. If one cares what they are ingesting, imbibing, and sampling then their chance of success improves. And if one takes their children to church to introduce them to a religious lifestyle (the faith chosen is always optional to the believer) and to the Father in Heaven, God, then success is granted. Remember, success does not equate to merely monetary wealth, fame, nor fortune, but rather to achieving better in this life and in the next.

    If one cannot make it here on Earth, they'll never get into Heaven.

    Now, I know the religious aspect of what I've written will incite anger in the Left but it could be that their lack of religious fervor is the cause of their unrest. Without a solid base of belief, trust in God, and knowledge in His overall plan for this planet, they are doomed to languish in the Hell on Earth Satan is unleashing.

    Gun control? You want more laws? Pity? For how you brought up your children and for the pitiful way they have acted out as a backlash to your parenting skills? Own up America: these are the children you raised because this is the way you chose to raise them.

    We must end the Great Society because it didn't work in 1965 and it sure doesn't work in 2019.

    Oh, and spank your kids when they need it. A swat which says, "don't do that" will prevent handcuffs later in life.
    ucncincy 08/10/2019 08:34 PM
  • What a terrible tragedy. Happens too often here in America. I don't know how we will ever be able to figure out how all these events happen. Certainly the ones that were posted on social media etc. we should be able to do a better job with. But the shooters are mentally disturbed and many Americans who are go undetected every day and not every one of them is a mass shooter.
    Just such a shame and a real blotch on the country.
    BUT the only one to blame is the person who pulled the trigger!
    And the only thing that could possibly make it worse is our politicians who try to further their careers and agendas.
    Shame on them!!!
    buzbuz 08/10/2019 07:03 AM