Definitely confused

So, apparently some people are trying to say I'm not a real person and I'm actually scaming people into wanting to do stuff with me and such but actually thats not even the case. I made my first post to be honest with people and actually find some kind of comfort or acknowledgment on something that I struggle with on a daily and thats anxiety. Like I'm not trying to have people pity me or anything but then you go a say "I've seen you on another account stop trying to fake these men" but like. How have you seen me on another app? This is genuinely the first time I've ever tried anything like this, and wanted to give possibly finding a friend or potential interest and due to my anxiety it's hard for me to try that outside online so it just makes me feel even more self conscious about if people just see me as a scam which I'm not. But anyways just wanted to put that out there. Hopefully this isn't bothering anyone's time.

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  • There have been a lot of fake/Scam/bot profiles. There are usually young attractive guys I have somewhat ambiguous profiles and talk about relationships. Sometimes they are statistics don't make sense. I've been very confused myself about who is real and who is some kind of scam bot.
    ---- the best thing to do would be to post a photo of yourself somehow showing you are not a foreigner or a stolen photo. This could be a picture of you holding a sign saying daddy dater.
    FurryDawg 09/14/2021 02:26 AM
  • Best, Ari, to ignore the jealous/nasty/negative/frustrated people who, if they dedicated as much energy to building themselves up as they dedicate to tearing others down, they'd be SO much happier--& they'd then not be so consumed w/tearing down others. Good luck w/your search & again, stay positive--& honest--as you seem to be!
    princecharming 09/11/2021 04:21 AM