Good buy Senor Citizen Bear

For all you that are welcoming in the new health care bill beware. I am not saying we don't need some kind of new medical system just not this one. You will no longer have to worry about having competition once you reach 65. It is that point you will be cordially invited ...mandated to attend your first dying with grace meeting...YES I SAID FIRST DYING WITH GRACE MEETING...after that you will be invited Oh I mean mandated to attend a meeting every five years in order for you to better accept an early demise rather than using your insurance and creating bills taking away from the younger more viable anointed ones. Give up those gym member ships they won't help if you get sick. And by the way if you have sufficient means you won't be able to pay for services on your own because DOCTORS will not be allowed to treat you in this country for cash as this will discrimination for the less fortunate YOU. Think this is bull go to the internet and try reading thru the entire bill and see for yourselves. Its there Sorry I did not write the number down but will continue looking for future posting. In case you were wondering about death panels they already exist if your on medicare or even private insurance. Anytime you physician recommends surgery to you insurance company it must be reviewed by and independant review bard who then tell your insurance company if it should be done or not. Welcome to the golden years and all you youngin's your future.

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  • The Snopes site debunks urban legends and outright lies in the public domain. Here is what the Snopes site says about the "death panel" lies spread by the right wing: /euthanasia.asp

    Obvious lies. As gay or bi guys we should be supporting this administration that has done more for freeing homosexuals than any up to this point. Let's not fall for the lies put out by Fox Noise and Rush
    rjzip 06/30/2012 12:20 AM
  • WHERE in the bill does this come from? As said already, "Put up or shut up." PLEASE post your accurate information from the bill itself.
    houstonbottom 06/29/2012 12:10 PM
  • Every law that has passed that has such sweeping changes as the AHCL does takes years to vet out and tweak. Not having lived in the time but Medicare,Social Security and even the Civil Rights laws had to be revisited and reworked and if I am not mistaken those opposed to those laws said the same sorts of wild accusations as we are hearing today form the right. How can anyone think this is not better than having the insurance companies decide your health care? I actually was honored to testify on the AHCL when it was first proposed and do see all of the sky is falling and death panels BS talked about was amazing and it was all from insurance lobbyists. The fear and hate that is used to keep us cowering in our homes is outrageous and we need to realize who it is that is feeding us this BS. There are two completely different agendas this year in our election and one is nothing but big money,wall street billionaires and those that hate and fear against the other wants to get us back to where we all had an equal opportunity to suceed. Remember the GI Bill? Remember when only one person needed to work to pay for the bills? Where did those dreams go? Today we can't even take care of our vets when they return, no college help,less taxes for the ones that don't need it and forget about the sick and poor there is a safety net for them! What happened to the idea of "Community"? Where we try and help each other succeed and don't hate the ones that think different or look different? This idea that Americans do their own thing is a joke we have always helped each other. How did government,unions,the poor and public education become so awful? If I remember correctly we were a pretty successful country when all of them were flourishing and now they are terrible we need to get rid of them and yet we are in the worse economic mess in history could there be a connection? Maybe the Plutocrats don't want things that help the middle class? Anyone remember what happened when we had this before? Look up a president named Thedore Roosevelt and his battle with "Big Business". Anyone want to return to those days? Well if you do look around as we are pretty damn close again.
    barney290 06/29/2012 08:22 AM
  • sdpundpuppy: if it's in the bill, why don't you cut and paste the relevant passages to prove your point? you say it's there, i say put up or shutup. what's your source for the "dying with grace" info? what's your source for the concept that dr.'s won't be allowed to treat cash individuals. you make a lot of inflammatory accusations but you don't cite any proof or sources. show us where in the bill these things are outlined.

    as for "death panels", in case you aren't aware, the decisions on care are made at a personal level and always have been. the attending physician for a teminal patient has the power of decision to prolong or end that patient's suffering. that's the way it is, that's the way it always has been. england's last king was a notable recipient of that mercy, as were at least 2 members of my own family. do some research.

    where do people come up with this stuff?
    rae121452 06/29/2012 08:08 AM
  • this is the best thing that has happen to the usa .. the next time u get sick u do not have to die from it .. u will be able to pay for it ..
    buttdart 06/29/2012 06:19 AM
  • I think this will hurt the Presidents reelection in the long run as many don’t like the bill as it is written.
    Even the President admits it needs work but that is the whole idea, this is just a starting point. The boys in Washington need to start playing nice with each other.
    Kerry Healy Governor Romney’s former lieutenant Governor was on local TV last night and within a ten minute interview she must have said Obamacare at least 20 times. The Republicans will use this to their advantage.
    One good thing is I hear Rush Limbaugh said he was going to leave America if this passed; do you need some help packing Rush?
    Spiritwalker 06/29/2012 05:42 AM
  • And, remember, all of us baby boomer gays, are all, now, approching senior citizenship, and social secuity is being pushed out and so is medicade...think about YOUR future? Let's thank OBAMA who is in the same age bracket.
    kelleysiland 06/29/2012 01:30 AM
  • I have NEVER seen more REPUBLICAN gays in my life as I have seen on the gay web sites as of late. I am beguining to wonder, is it anti-democratic or is it anti-black president? I think about if Clinton had accomplished this, would he have been bashed as much as Obama has....If Obama was a white man, would everyone be BITCHING about what he has succeeded in doing and ignored his struggles, like good ole BUSH? I think not. Let's learn to look beyond the color of his skin. Because, I have to say, I know staunch democrats that hate Obama...HATE OBAMA because he is black. And that is the LIBERAL side of politics but yet they hate that our president is black. I can't wait to see when we elect our first GAY president! What is our alternative? Mitt Romney? He's fucking richer than GOD and pays less taxes than an employee at McDonalds! Be thankful we have a caring man in office that is trying to help those who are struggling with health insurance. Do you realize how this health plan is going to help those with HIV and AIDS? The can not be denyed coverage for their condition. Have some compassion for those who are dealing with the bullshit of the big insurance companies. And I thank God the Supreme Court came to this decision....I can't wait for Obama's second term when they get to deal with Gay Marrage......I'll bet we FUCKING win!
    kelleysiland 06/28/2012 11:58 PM
  • Here in Massachusetts this has been the law since former Gov. Mitt (asshole) Romney past it many years ago. It works fine and it will work for the rest of the Country. That in itself should show you what a flip flopper he is. If it was his idea, it would have been wonderful. I have seen many a person who could not get health insurance because of pre-existing illnesses die a slow and painful death. I have seen many a person use the emergency room for routine problems because the could not afford a primary doctor. I have seen many an elder forgo not taking or under taking medications because they could not afford it. It has improved the lives of many a person here in Ma. and will do the same for the rest of the Country. Republicans wanted the Supreme Court to make a decision about the legality of The Heath Care Bill, and now that they have and it's not the answer they were hoping for, you along with the rest of them are crying foul. Your scare tactics are unfounded, you'll be still able to die with dignity, and nobody will pull the plug because you're an old fart.
    fenwaydav 06/28/2012 09:41 PM
  • Oh, I don't know guy. I think you've fallen for a lot of the sky-is-falling scare stuff put out by conservatives, the GOP and the healthcare industry. While there are certainly parts of the bill I don't like, on the whole I think it's a great improvement over what we have now, and elements of it will make it a godsend to many Americans.

    My sister, for example, works in a field with no health insurance. She's 40 years old, has a pre-existing, lifelong condition, desperately needs health insurance and has no way to get any. This will give her that opportunity. I myself am in a job where I'm facing emminent layoff and at my age, with little chance of getting a good job again, I've been quite concerned about the possibility of losing access to healthcare.

    I really don't think it will have much effect on seniors, who are and will continue to be on Medicare anyway.

    The biggest problem is how do you coerce people in minimum wage jobs who don't even make a living wage pay extra for insurance, or a "tax" if they don't take it?

    I was surprised that the Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate part of the bill. I had thought that was doomed because of the Commerce clause problems that Justice Roberts ruled that it violated. But he came up with a creative way to save the whole bill by declaring the mandate a tax.

    I was shocked that Roberts joined the majority and saved the bill. However, my hunch is that the conservative justices may have overplayed their hand by insisting that the entire bill be declared unconstitutional. Roberts, I think correctly, recognized that that was judicial overreach and so sided with the liberal justices and wrote the opinion himself in an attempt to mitigate its impact. It's a real shocker, because to this point, Roberts had been fairly invisible as Chief Justice.
    BearinFW 06/28/2012 09:33 PM