I copy below verbatim a message I got last night. I was sure by the end of reading it that it was not real, that it was a scam.
Your task: identify at least 3 clues internal to this text that suggest it was written and put out by scammers.
(I did follow the link, where I got the best clue of all. When I clicked on the "log out" button, a message flashed at me saying if I left, I would be "permanently deleted" from PayPal. The real PayPal would never do something like that!)
Dear Client,
Suspicious Activity on Your Account
Your Account information has been changed. [ Billing or Shipping Address ] As our security precautions, we need more informations from you. Your account will be limited until you provide some additional information.
PIease login into your Account and review your activity by clicking link below:
Your action is required to help us to protect you PayPaI account securely.
If you click the link and enter details, they will steal your personal information