Is there anything a smooth guy can do to grow a hairy chest??
ANSWER: Yes With some of today's products. DISCLAIMER: I am not Suggesting that anyone do what I did to grow my thick Blond Body Hair.I am discussing and sharing what worked for me. It is up to you to decide what this information means for yourself.
MY STORY- Ive been smooth all my life and always admired Hairy guys. Three years ago I was still so smooth and look at me now. One day got the idea to use some hair growth products on my chest, arms, legs and stomach. I used FOUR products , and alternated a different product each day. Ya gotta be CAREFUL cause NONE of these products are supposed to be used on "Other" parts of the body except the head. All the directions state in writing NOT to try on those other parts. But God I was so desperate and really felt I must do something to be fulfilled in this endeavor.
So I decided to do a "Test Patch" with the first product, which I'll name shortly with the other three. Usually the directions suggest the skin test to be on the wrist- I figured I might try it on a small spot just above my collar bone below my Adam's apple - I always wanted a fur collar with Blond Fur sticking up over My collar of my Green T-shirt, like I sometimes saw on Hairy guys. you wait 24 hours to see if it safe to use on your type of skin.
Before I tell you more about the results, Go to my profile 1GoldenBear and see for yourself the results Woof!
OK, back to the example of the test patch it was perfect with NO rash, burning or anything uncomfortable after 24 hours. The first product I used was OVATION CELL THERAPY. A creamy lotion of sorts. Used it for three months every day and saw some nice new peach fuzz growth. Started to use it on my forearms and all over my chest with no rash or irritation problems. Then I found another product called SWISSCARE/HAIRGROW on and started alternating with the ovation OMG! this product really increased the thickness and growth of my fledgling new baby hairs. It's expensive but worth it Did this for a month or so until I found KIRKLAND minoxidil5% at Cosco. Than again, helped somewhat. Another month of continued alternating products and I found the real beat fantastic fastest growing hair product called LIPOGAINE NO.1 AND WOW! it is the best product by far. I've been doing this routine for a year and a half and now just LOOK at the amount of Fur I have I LOVE IT. I have had ZERO side effects my blood work shows no abnormalities. I dont think this would work if you have no hair follicles at all but, if ya got a minor amount of "Peach fuzz" My photo-stream listed proudly named 1GoldenBear says a lot. It will show you how far you can go.I gotta take some new photos of the Blond Hairs on My Legs WOW they shine like fire and are shaggy long like a sheep dog.
Please remember I'm NOT saying this is a safe way to do this. you MUST be careful Skin is VERY delicate and many people very well might have reactions. I went ahead with caution and slowness. I am NOT condoning or suggesting other to try this. I offer it only as information of results I had growing Chest Hair.
You might want to check out my other article on "Chest Hair Orgasm"below thia article, it is a new technique for how to increase the orgasm for hairy guys.It's new and I've Hairy guys who had me do it to them ask my to come back again and again because it awakened a depth and appreciation of their virility at a whole new level of manliness.
There IS a way to have Chest a Chest Hair Orgasm.
How? You'll need to "sensitize" a mans Body Hair by combining masturbating and a variety of sensation techniques with his body hair, Which will train his sensation of mental awareness,touch, oral nibbling etc. .. First lets comment on "Mental Awareness".
Most Hairy guys (like myself) Are aware that we are Hairy (Duh.) What I'm talking about is the connection between us masturbating while someone is stimulating our body hair with technique such as those listed above. "IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE HAIRY, BUT TO KNOW EVERY HAIR". Is a whole new level personal appreciation of a mans masculinity and virility from both the perspective of" The Man" (Top) and the usually smooth skinned partner. So- a LONG two hour workover using such techniques as extreme (and I mean extreme) light touching/stroking of chest Hair, Forearm fur, is a start followed by Oral nibbling of same - include fur on back of hands and knuckles. (A huge turn on for me) also nibbling hairy thighs is a smart area to work on. As your Hairy Man masturbates and holding off orgasm as long as possible. HE MUST ALWAYS HAVE HIS HAND ON HIS DICK AT ALL TIMES FOR THIS TO WORK.SLOWLY MASTTURBATING.
Another technique that is a personal favorite of mine is what I call "Standing ovation" where the lips of the mouth are used to lightly pull my chest or body hair away from the skin, sort of standing straight up as if static electricity was running through it. WOOF!
In NLP (Nero Linguistic Programing) there is such a thing as a "Sexual Anchor" which is so similar to what I'm introducing. After a long bout of this body Hair sensitization AND while in a state something called "Edging" ( a technique of holding back orgasm for long periods of time), You'll soon want to have your Fur played with all the time. Your orgasms will be stronger and longer than ever before .Remember this is about "connecting" a Hairy Guy through his awareness at a whole new level. I find many Hairy guys are not aware of the virility power of the Hair /Orgasm connection.
And of course there is "AUDITORY" Anchor, for the" Advanced Player" wherein you'll use words to increase his sexual dominance. Don't be afraid to say how exciting it is to see his (Pick one) Furry Arms, long or curly hairs, and be sure to tell him what gets YOU FU K'in Hot! I know it turns me on to no freggin end if one of my partners "Admires" my Blonde Fur covered muscles.
PS: I'm going to start a face book page with more info on this subject. Also I'll explain how to go from very smooth to extra Hairy - using four growth Hair products that were NOT designed for use on chest, legs, forearms and Adams apple throat areas. I know what and how to do this and what precautions to take. I now have lots Blond body & Chest Hair creeping up over the top of my t-shirt. search for
1GoldenBear, responses welcome .
Poll: Is there anything a smooth guy can do to grow a hairy chest??

And yes, from personal experience, adoration of a man's fur really does make a difference in how he responds to sexual stimulation.
I wanted to look like Dan Hedaya who played Nick Tortelli.
Most of what I take away from your post is that we all have individual ways of seeing our sexuality and I believe that diversity is something to treasure, especially when it comes to mansex. There is so much to enjoy if we open ourselves up to the amazing variety of sexual ideas. Smooth or hairy are both attractive to me.
Here's a hairy dude for you to enjoy.