One of my Readers Wrote: Being a furry guy myself, I often just caress my own Body Hair... always gets me hard. . . .

1GoldenBear responds:That's so funny AND awesome! I thought I was the only one who did that.
I 'm beginning to believe that we have to get comfortable with our own bodies & looks, so we can appreciate at a deeper level how to bond with our OWN Masculine persona including Our Fur, dick, orgasms etc....I do not believe that that this is narcissistic like some people might think.

At a deeper level, this is an act of discovery and self-appreciation that allows us to "Show-off" our masculinity. Straight Guys do it all the time with women (Showing off) to impress. I like to think when I'm with a smoothie Guy, that He'll get to the Daddy stage someday. and learn from me.

I think most smooth skinned guys unconsciously like us Dads/Bears because we represent what they desire at the unconscious level. Maturity, Muscles, Hairiness in selected places, and the male "masculine persona".

PS: Part SIX of Furology

will be published soon - it will cover the deeper phycho-sexual aspects of hairy vs smooth. Dad/Boy Role Play and what each is getting and giving to each other. Also the Projection of Virility through Mental Awareness & projecting that energetic to penetrate and dominate another person this should happen when your Smoothie/Son/Boy takes an oral load from you. find out what it really means.

Let's not forget that Hairy Guys often LIKE other Hairy Guys.
Two Dads together, or Two Bears together is common and Hot! We'll discuss why Blonds are attracted to dark fur and vice versa. Why many guys go for a GINGER or a Brown Bear.

Also Included, will be "Seeding" planting your load in a tight ass- discover what the what it means at the deeper level. Continue to watch my Community Blog on DaddyDater.
Part SIX will be coming forthwith soon.

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