New Report on "How to service hairy guys"

Part 5
Question:A Reader asks: “As a young smoothie I think you’re on to something big with this fur stuff. The attraction has been around a long time (smooth attracts Hairy) But you (I believe) are taking it to a whole new level. I think it’s time to teach us smoothies out there how to take care of the real Men,& Bears.

All of you out there reading this should remember that Hairy Guys usually are NOT AWARE of the power of a man’s body hair. Smoothies wanna play with it, nibble it,(a lot) and melt into the power of it. It Actually is a way for them to re-charge their sub dominate energy.

As I have pointed out in my articles (See FUROLOGY 101) in this section. The attraction is STRONG to show off fur- to smooth guys who harbor unconsciously the closeness of a Hairy Dad- I believe this satisfies a real need in a boys psyche (age 18 & up) of what he deeply desires to become. Letting him worship at the altar of our manliness, Mentally admiring our virile masculine energy we broadcast. It actually lets him embrace a mental image to take home with him for JO sessions later . This act (JO), penetrates his psyche and set up an energetic for his young boy(age 18&up) also think Mind/Mental)body to increase the "Male" image in himself.
(In reference to your article FUROLOGY 101 Here on community Blogs and from you Profile (1GoldenBear)

PS: Someone also asked : It is a fact that that a Dad can "Play" the subdominant role from time to time?

Answer yes.
It re- fills his own sense of manhood. Ya gotta fill up the gas tank every now and then.

My next article will be on "Seeding" (Breeding) versus Communion (Drinking cum)

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  • I love when a hairy man cums in my mouth. Its so hot to feel the cum squirting in my mouth while feeling all the fur
    soner 01/02/2017 06:31 PM