Ex-LAPD Cop /RETIRED (2005) Hairy Blond 17" arms. Love role play with son 18-40 or anyone who can stay in the role.
Dad needs son to JO as he nibbles and licks Dads Hairy Blond Muscles. you can take his Cop load at the end as the reward for good service. I'm all MAN and know what to do with my Blond Hairy body to keep you hard and busy. Ill use my Cop uniform on your second visit if I find you are a complaint Daddy's Boy.
Any institutions using this site or any of its associated sites for studies or projects - You do NOT have my permission to use any of my profile, video or pictures in any form or forum both current and future. If you have or do, it will be considered a serious violation of my privacy and will be subject to legal ramifications/
FUROLOGY 101 Written by 1GoldenBear:
Update: Just purchased a laser grow your hair light will report back soon.
A Reader of mine asked What is a chest Hair Orgasm? ( FUROLOGY 101)
Ok- I've heard of this in this way: There IS a way to have Chest a Chest Hair Orgasm. How? You'll need to "sensitize" a mans Body Hair by combining masturbating and a variety of sensation techniques with his body hair, Which will train his sensation of mental awareness, touch, oral nibbling etc. .. First lets comment on "Mental Awareness".
Most Hairy guys (like myself) Are aware that we are Hairy (Duh.) What I'm talking about is the connection between us masturbating while someone is stimulating our body hair with techniques such as those listed here. "IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE HAIRY, BUT TO KNOW EVERY HAIR". Is a whole new level personal appreciation of a mans masculinity and virility from both the perspective of "The Man" (Top) and the usually smooth skinned partner. So- a LONG two hour workover using such techniques as extreme (and I mean extreme) light touching/stroking of chest Hair, Forearm fur, is a start, followed by Oral nibbling of same - include fur on back of hands and knuckles. (A huge turn on for me) also nibbling hairy thighs is a smart area to work on. As your Hairy Man masturbates and holding off orgasm as long as possible. This “holding off is called “Edging” HE MUST ALWAYS HAVE HIS HAND ON HIS DICK AT ALL TIMES FOR THIS TO WORK.SLOWLY MASTURBATING and NOT Cumming. Until way later.
Another technique that is a personal favorite of mine is what I call "Standing ovation" where the lips of the mouth are used to lightly pull my chest or body hair away from the skin, sort of standing straight up as if static electricity was running through it. WOOF!
In NLP (Nero Linguistic Programing) there is such a thing as a "Sexual Anchor" which is so similar to what I'm introducing. After a long bout of this body Hair sensitization AND while in a state something called "Edging" ( a technique of holding back orgasm for long periods of time), You'll soon want to have your Fur played with all the time. Your orgasms will be stronger and longer than ever before. Remember this is about "connecting" a Hairy Guy through his awareness at a whole new level. I find many Hairy guys are not aware of the virility power of the Hair /Orgasm connection.
And of course there is "AUDITORY" Anchor, for the" Advanced Player" wherein you'll use words to increase his sexual dominance. Don't be afraid to say how exciting it is to see his (Pick one) Furry Arms, long or curly hairs, and be sure to tell him what gets YOU FU K'in Hot! I know it turns me on to no freggin end if one of my partners "Admires" my Blonde Fur covered muscles.
PS: I'm going to start a face book page with more info on this subject. Also I'll explain how to go from very smooth to extra Hairy - using four growth Hair products that were NOT designed for use on chest, legs, forearms and Adams apple throat areas. I know what and how to do this and what precautions to take. I now have lots Blond body & Chest Hair creeping up over the top of my t-shirt. Search for 1GoldenBear, on Daddy Search.com responses welcome .
By the way I hope you read the article on "Chest Hair Orgasm" Ya gotta get a smooth guy (or Hairy like me) that's into fur –It’s awesome to keep playing with you dick for 60-90 minutes while the guy licks you all over with the " Standing ovation" technique where they Nibble and lightly pull up each and every hair all over your body. Also the extra light touching when your beating off , but don't come during the exercise.
I did not mention a second part to the info about what YOU should be thinking while getting worked over. Maybe because of fear of being too egocentric. But it is important part to long term deeper pleasure & better fur growth. There are two Personal exercises:
A) When the guy is "Sensitizing" your fur Get into thinking how masculine you are, and how lucky this guy is servicing your FUR. Keep your mind on each part he is working on. This "Sensitizing" Physically, combined with your own mental AWARENESS, trains your body to respond the next time you have sex with someone and with more and more personal PLEASURE for you and gives off a Manly Vibe of man power over to your partner WOOF!
B) I do this in the morning as you wake up: get an erection while under the sheets. Go over the parts of your body that you want fur to grow by lightly stroking that part. ALL THE WHILE KEEPING YOUR HAND ON YOUR DICK. This half sleep mode is great for programming you mind to send messages to the root hair follicles. You might say as you touch or rub these areas: I direct my mind to grow/regrow the Fur on my ---name body part . . . . Each hair grows FASTER AND THICKER AND LONGER THAN EVER BEFORE. or make words to whatever you think is better.
These two exercises are call a sexual anchor. It only takes one session of Body Hair "Sensitizing" to make the anchor work.
ONE OF MY READERS ASKED: I’m dating an awesome hairy guy. But He dates other guys who I believe are more sexually crazy or better looking. What can I do to win him over?
Answer: Use the sexual anchor – Here is how it works in detail. As I said before, using the of Body Hair "Sensitizing" techniques gives guys a BIGGER and more INTENSE orgasm. When a man shoots a load the last thing he either hears from you or your last touch of his fur remains in him for months after. When He goes out an a sex date with somebody, if the guy doesn’t use the Body Hair "Sensitizing" techniques, His orgasm won’t be as intense as it was with you! He’ll soon have you back and you’ll be foraging on his Chest Hair quicker than you know.
Part 3
ONE OF MY READERS REPORTS: I tried some of the techniques you suggested on a hairy fella and he was very uncomfortable with my foraging around in his body hair. What was I doing wrong?
ANSWER: I have been where you are with this. Here is the thing some guys just can’t wait for you to suck them off. There are other guys that don’t UNDERSTAND what YOU are offering for them. They never thought of or heard of Body Hair “Sensitizing”. It IS an awkward moment when you have a dick in your hand or mouth, to get them interested then stop, to “Feed” on their fur. THEN do you Tell a guy what you are DOING? First make sure he KNOWS you’re a good cock sucker – Hell give you more leeway if you are. Make sure you verbalize to him that you are incredibility in Bears and HAIRY guys drive you WILD. SAY IT TO HIM, in his ear if possible. Ask if it is OK for you to play and nibble his fur before he cums. Assure him that he WILL BLOW a BIGGER load that ever before. (He won’t know you know the secrets to FUROLOGY 101. Finish your job on him. Then if you want Seconds Try to get him aside and explain the “Body Hair sensitizing” That you want him to experience” a Layback” > Meaning he just lays back for 45 minutes while you do all the techniques of awakening his pleasure to his own body at a much higher and deeper level as in a CHEST HAIR ORGASM. NOTE: Just a heads up: Unfortunately there are some Hairy Guys out there that have bought into the trap of thinking Smooth is better than Hairy. They want to show Men that look like 12 year old boys - and then There is the” thing” that you usually like what you don’t have.(So if your Hairy you go for smooth) Some guys are still “Shy” about their fur and what you are doing with it.
A READER ASKS : ”are there benefits for the subdominant guy who really loves hairy guys”
YOU do’in a hairy guy?: Yeah that's ANOTHER level. With your mental awareness of working over HIS Fur, while you imaging absorbing his masculinity - his fur growth. I know when I work over some Hairy dude, for about two days afterwards I am still thinking about his maleness. Some of that gets transferred by mental and physical awareness to stimulate my maleness. You could even picture his hairiness mentally later during the week and JO saying MY Fur GROWS like His. . . . as you JO My hair gets thicker (like His) , longer (like his) This is you BONDING a mental picture to YOUR hair follicles, like an affirmation .We know this works because a test was done years ago on pole vault jumpers. They were to picture Pole Vaulting off hours for a week. When they came back their scores and strength were much higher. Just mentally thinking about it affected their body. My fur has benefited from this by getting a bit thicker on my forearms and longer hairs on my Adams apple. If you think of something better that's good too.
Part 4
Using Body Hair “Sensitizing” Away From The Sex Bed.
One of the hottest turn-ons is getting your fur stroked away from the home/or bed. This can be exciting or daring as you like Ex: I had been dating an smooth 18 year old guy who loves hairy guys. At a restaurant I lifted my leg from the floor and put my heel in his crotch from under the table hidden by the table cloth. I said there’s MAN fur down there, . . . Boy go for it.” He put his hand up in my pants leg and played with my furry leg hairs lightly pulling the hairs and stroking his hand up and down my calf (Instant Boner) for the hour we were there. (I couldn’t wait to get home and give him all that he begged for!) Another guy went to the movies with me, sitting with me; I lifted his hand and placed it on top of my forearm. He did not know what to do, so I moved his hand in rubbing motion up then down on the Golden Blond fur or my arm. He followed suit. I knew it gave him a boner because he kept adjusting his zipper. Then I trained him to lightly pull (A hairy guy’s favorite) those Golden Blond furry arm Hairs. I leaned over and whispered into his ear, Use your lips & Pull the fur like this” as I lightly pulled some of his hair that was over his ears. The act of pulling HIS hair teaches not only what you want but how lightly you want it.
I actually saw this happen a year before I tried it. I was at an outdoor concert, sitting on the lawn and a young straight couple was sitting three feet away from me. HE was a gorgeous Ginger in short sleeves, with hairy Copper Colored FUR on his arms shining like fire in the late afternoon sun– She was nothing to look at, as plain Jane as you could get. I remember thinking “How could she get someone like that!” well here’s part of why. She got between his legs so He could support her back and faced forward to watch the concert. He had his arms around her and she kept picking and playing with his copper colored arm hairs lightly stroking and pulling them up and then KISSING them. OK- Ill admit it. I WANTED to be HER! He’d get so excited, He’d every now and then, deeply and passionately kiss the back of her neck. I could hardly stand it. I had a boner, HE MUST have had one too. This went on foe over one glorious hour, I still beat off to it a lot .The whole thing of smooth vs Hairy is wonderfully powerful, If you acknowledge it.
And my last example, as if you were not convinced already. I had a Guy who likes my fur, He lived on the fourth floor with a slow elevator. The first time with him in the elevator I Grabbed him by the back of the neck and faced him toward me I pulled down the top of my t-shirt a few inches and I said look at that fuckin MAN hair Poppin up over the top of my t-shit. Goa head Boy,you know you want suck on it. Do it! We dated for six months and every time we got in that elevator all I had to say was “You want it? And he’d shuffle over shyly and suck that fur all the way up to the fourth floor PS: I be raging hard by the time we got to the room. Please remember Most hairy guys do NOT know what the power of their own body hair. Once in a while a smooth guy or hairy will be so EXCITED with all that stimulation, The hairy guy might notice his effect on the smooth service guy. This i s a new technique “Body Hair Sensitization” Sure it’s been around since Adam & Eve but now, we will do it more consciously.
Here is the proper starting position when admiring a real Man’s Fur.
We KNOW the Dad is Hairy because he’s got Fur popp’in out over the top of his t-shirt.
There is nothing in the world like showing a fur collar. I’ve watched people look at my Golden Blond Fur
Stick’in up and I get great stares from even straight guys and I can tell that they wish they could have what
We Hairy fellas have. Notice where the fur licker is looking?
That SHOWS God honest Boy/ Man Devotion & admiration.
Stories: Hey -Thanks for the admiration. You look like a young cop buddy of mine.(Years ago) I really like your short cropped hair cut. In summer months we would park our unit in back of some warehouse. I knew there was a street lamp that 'id park under so the light would shine through the front window. The light would come in and shine on my Golden Blond Cop arms. I knew this would turn on my buddy, cause I would catch him staring at the fur on my arms all the time. I acted like I didn't notice for months, but the look of Golden Fur muscles in a dark navy blue uniform is awesome virility, I’ve seen rare Blond Cops from time to time and I know the effect well. Ya gotta remember Hairy Blonds are hard to find. - That’s how I figured he might be gay.
One night I asked him if he liked being so smooth, and reached over next to his smooth arm to show and compare my fur with his "sketchy peach fuzz". Well, I can tell ya when my arm fur 'accidentally" rubbed against his forearm he reached over with his other hand and lightly ran his hand over my fur! In fascination, saying Wow! This surprised the shit out me . . .we'd start talk'in bout women an scratch'in our crotch. One time I took it out and we both beat off.
I’ll never forget that thrill of comparing my Blond fur and him say ‘in Wow! His dick was bigger than mine. I knew he wanted more but was too up tight. I’d still catch him ,from time to time, look'in at my fur collar that showed poppin up over the top of my t-shirt and that's when I wondered weather all smooth guys secretly liked or wanted to be Hairy - opposites attract they say. BTW- You are in great shape. ! could loose 20 pounds . i do not ass fuck on first dates or even the second unless the vibe is right. I like kiss’in holding, JO AND GETTING MY FUR PLAYED WITH. LOVE TO SEE HOW YOU PLEASE.
LikeRealHairyMen wrote on 01/24/2016 at 08:03 PM
Hey STUD -I've already read your blog as I was completely rock hard looking at your tuff of fur from the neck of your shirt and your hairy arms... the thought of you entering me Stallion style so I could feel your hairy chest on my bareback, your goatee on my neck as you moan with every flex of my anal muscles around your dick as I soft kiss and lick your hairy forearms...thanks for your email and your advise...would love to see more of your fur...sorry no mug shot downloaded but here are my locked pixs...
Any institutions using this site or any of its associated sites for studies or projects -
You do NOT have my permission to use any of my profile, video or pictures in any form or forum both current and future. If you have or do, it will be considered a serious violation of my privacy and will be subject to legal ramifications/
Ok- I've heard of this in this way: There IS a way to have Chest a Chest Hair Orgasm. How? You'll need to "sensitize" a mans Body Hair by combining masturbating and a variety of sensation techniques with his body hair, Which will train his sensation of mental awareness,touch, oral nibbling etc. .. First lets comment on "Mental Awareness".
Most Hairy guys (like myself) Are aware that we are Hairy (Duh.) What I'm talking about is the connection between us masturbating while someone is stimulating our body hair with technique such as those listed above. "IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE HAIRY, BUT TO KNOW EVERY HAIR". Is a whole new level personal appreciation of a mans masculinity and virility from both the perspective of" The Man" (Top) and the usually smooth skinned partner. So- a LONG two hour workover using such techniques as extreme (and I mean extreme) light touching/stroking of chest Hair, Forearm fur, is a start followed by Oral nibbling of same - include fur on back of hands and knuckles. (A huge turn on for me) also nibbling hairy thighs is a smart area to work on. As your Hairy Man masturbates and holding off orgasm as long as possible. HE MUST ALWAYS HAVE HIS HAND ON HIS DICK AT ALL TIMES FOR THIS TO WORK.SLOWLY MASTTURBATING.
Another technique that is a personal favorite of mine is what I call "Standing ovation" where the lips of the mouth are used to lightly pull my chest or body hair away from the skin, sort of standing straight up as if static electricity was running through it. WOOF!
In NLP (Nero Linguistic Programing) there is such a thing as a "Sexual Anchor" which is so similar to what I'm introducing. After a long bout of this body Hair sensitization AND while in a state something called "Edging" ( a technique of holding back orgasm for long periods of time), You'll soon want to have your Fur played with all the time. Your orgasms will be stronger and longer than ever before .Remember this is about "connecting" a Hairy Guy through his awareness at a whole new level. I find many Hairy guys are not aware of the virility power of the Hair /Orgasm connection.
And of course there is "AUDITORY" Anchor, for the" Advanced Player" wherein you'll use words to increase his sexual dominance. Don't be afraid to say how exciting it is to see his (Pick one) Furry Arms, long or curly hairs, and be sure to tell him what gets YOU FU K'in Hot! I know it turns me on to no freggin end if one of my partners "Admires" my Blonde Fur covered muscles.
PS: I'm going to start a face book page with more info on this subject. Also I'll explain how to go from very smooth to extra Hairy - using four growth Hair products that were NOT designed for use on chest, legs, forearms and Adams apple throat areas. I know what and how to do this and what precautions to take. I now have lots Blond body & Chest Hair creeping up over the top of my t-shirt. search for
1GoldenBear, responses welcome .
XXXXHey friend- Thanks for the look see. . . . Now you know an even deeper level of what to appreciate on the next Bear to meet. SLOWLY as your JO him speak in his ear how hot he is, how much you LOVE fur, How he is really THE MAN. . . .etc. you may have done some of the verbal but JO him at the same time will get him hotter. Then try so oral stuff on the fir SLOWLY because if your too intense or fast it might feel too intense for him. They usually are all about getting their dick sucked i find
Is there anything a smooth guy can do to grow a hairy chest??
ANSWER: Yes With some of today's products. DISCLAIMER: I am not Suggesting that anyone do what I did to grow my thick Blond Body Hair.I am discussing and sharing what worked for me. It is up to you to decide what this information means for yourself.
MY STORY- Ive been smooth all my life and always admired Hairy guys. I'm 49 years old and still not hairy and one day got the idea to use some hair growth products on my chest, arms, legs and stomach. I used FOUR products , and alternated a different product each day. Ya gotta be CAREFUL cause NONE of these products are supposed to be used on "Other" parts of the body except the head. All the directions state in writing NOT to try on those other parts. But God I was so desperate and really felt I must do something to be fulfilled in this endeavor.
So I decided to do a "Test Patch" with the first product, which I'll name shortly with the other three. Usually the directions suggest the skin test to be on the wrist- I figured I might try it on a small spot just above my collar bone below my Adam's apple - I always wanted a fur collar with Blond Fur sticking up over My collar of my Green T-shirt, like I sometimes saw on Hairy guys. you wait 24 hours to see if it safe to use on your type of skin.
Before I tell you more about the results, Go to my Photo-stream at 1GoldenBear and see for yourself the results Woof!
OK, back to the example of the test patch it was perfect with NO rash, burning or anything uncomfortable after 24 hours. The first product I used was OVATION CELL THERAPY. A creamy lotion of sorts. Used it for three months every day and saw some nice new peach fuzz growth. Started to use it on my forearms and all over my chest with no rash or irritation problems. Then I found another product called SWISSCARE/HAIRGROW on Amazon.com and started alternating with the ovation OMG! this product really increased the thickness and growth of my fledgling new baby hairs. It's expensive but worth it Did this for a month or so until I found KIRKLAND minoxidil5% at Cosco. Than again, helped somewhat. Another month of continued alternating products and I found the real beat fantastic fastest growing hair product called LIPOGAINE NO.1 AND WOW! it is the best product by far. I've been doing this routine for a year and a half and now just LOOK at the amount of Fur I have I LOVE IT. I have had ZERO side effects my blood work shows no abnormalities. I dont think this would work if you have no hair follicles at all but, if ya got a minor amount of "Peach fuzz" My photo-stream listed proudly named 1GoldenBear says a lot. It will show you how far you can go.I gotta take some new photos of the Blond Hairs on My Legs WOW they shine like fire and are shaggy long like a sheep dog.
Please remember I'm NOT saying this is a safe way to do this. you MUST be careful Skin is VERY delicate and many people very well might have reactions. I went ahead with caution and slowness. I am NOT condoning or suggesting other to try this. I offer it only as information of results I had growing Chest Hair.
You might want to check out my other article on "Chest Hair Orgasm" it is a new technique for how to increase the orgasm for hairy guys.It's new and I've Hairy guys who had me do it to them ask my to come back again and again because it awakened a depth and appreciation of their virility at a whole new level of manliness.

how do i find a hairy man? my fanbtasy is to have a very hairy boyfriend who cums in my ass, my life time fantasy