Furology 101 by
1GoldenBear (Member on this site)
Part 7: Introduction & Warning
Furology 101
Warning – Some of the ideas presented in this article might offend some people, some religions, some Moralists Etc. . . . please read no further. These ideas are expressions of a select section of love expression in which are endless desires, mental attitudes, and mutual sexual fantasies.
Part 7 of Furology 101 - it will cover the deeper phycho-sexual aspects of Hairy vs smooth. Dad/Boy and what each is getting and giving to each other.
Also the application of mental awareness of penetration that happens when your Smoothie/Son/Boy takes an oral load from you and what it really means.
And "Seeding" planting your load in a tight ass- discover what the what it means at the deeper level. Continue to watch my Community Blog on DaddyDater.
This article is about Gay adults 18 years old & up that like to ROLE PLAY a Father /Son mutual sexual theme. The Dad/Son sexual Role Playing Dynamic may share some areas of physical, psychological & spiritual energetic's.
None of the ideas, expressions, thoughts, examples, or fantasies is meant to suggest any behavior with under age people. I do not condone anything in this report that pertains to anyone under the age of 18 –This article is an exploration of the dynamic of the Father/Son*/Lad* relationship.
Throughout the universe we can see many examples of opposite energetic's, for example: male/female, dark/light, dry/wet etc. In this study of the Homosexual attraction of Man/Son Sexual Role Play, will include Mature Man / Young Man - Dad/Son body types and the deeper psycho-sexual aspects of Hairy vs smooth. Dad/Boy
Orgasms - the spiritual significance what each partner is getting and giving to each other.
Within each Dad/Son relationship (Gay males) there are two poles of growth, usually unconscious. The “Mature role” and the lessor or “younger role” either of these two roles can be played by anyone regardless of their actual age.
The perfect union of the two poles strives for unity, in and through each other’s body. They seek a way of attaining balance in each other. The reason these two poles of maturity and youth, is that they seek each other for balancing the Dad/Son*/Lad* relationship. The Son/lad senses a lack of the full measure of his mature adult manliness and unconsciously wants to embody his Manliness and seeks out Daddy closeness through sex to fill in his masculine energetic.
The Dad desires the “Expression” and giving of his Virility and Masculinity, Seeks out a Son type*/Lad type* to be the open receptacle (think Son wanting Dad) and closeness it represents. The two poles strive for unity and balance and through sexual expression each get what the other needs and attain closeness and trust in each other. The /Son/lad can be attracted to Dad for the secondary male sexual characteristics, i.e Muscles, Hairiness, Maturity, Virility, Masculinity .
The Dad Gets the trust, openness, youthful Admiration & closeness the Son/Lad offers. The healing a Son/Lad desires can often come from a home life that had a Nonexistent or distant Father and this missed closeness in a gay man can appear at any age. The Son/Lad somehow feels that his Manly Virility and need for manly affections is a possibility; he yearns for. He yearns to be connected to his wholeness to his man- self inside him. The Son/Lad is aware on an inner level that more Dad/Son contact sex builds power in him to be the virile man come of age which he himself always had but was latent in him.
The Son/Lad sex act is a power tool and a means capable for increasing his own manliness. This imaginary bond with Dad’s sexual energy then holds a unconscious secret.The Dad Son/Lad Role Play has helped him to absorb virility and masculine attributes and return this energetic inside his body The Dads gift to his Son/lad replenishes & regenerates manpower to his higher nerve and brain centers to arouse those centers out of their previously latent condition. So, this article is intended as an approach to the secret of how a Dad can Heal his Son/Lad with the aid of the Father Son/Lad sexual bond.
The Closeness they share adds up over time until the lad accepts his own Daddy image in himself (Usually with his later years). Without this understanding he will always be a Boy at heart.
Now that the basic “ROLE PLAY” has been examined let’s tred on the psychological religious carpet and go deeper and more controversial than you might expect.
First let’s examine “Mental Thought Projection” which starts off as an “Awareness” of a specific sexual desire. Your thoughts can be projected inward into yourself or outwards to another person like a powerful radio wave. Here is a personal example: In January 2017 I decided I wanted to “Project” my thoughts about being good looking and powerfully masculine (I have average looks) that maybe people would notice it. Straight guys, Gay guys, even women! “An aura of manliness” OK-Laugh now, but read on to find out what happened.
So the thought I committed to memory, was “I Project a powerful radiation of masculine sexuality / 300 feet in every direction / Consciously & Unconsciously / I know that this projection is working because even straight guys will look . (I knew if I could get THEM to look in my direction then SOMETHING must be happening.) "I project confidence with every step I take".
So the next week I watched who was looking in my direction. Surprisingly there were a lot of straight guys that would stare and nod. and I would give a tight short upward nod to them. And some Women- I smiled back. I don’t think this is all my imagination.
OK, so here’s the thing. After doing this thought projection constantly for about a week – I forgot about it –I was in a parking lot heading in to a private gay men’s club when a young good-looking guy coming out of the club, passes me by, and says out loud as he passes me “Woof Daddy!” I smiled as I passed.
Then suddenly He turned around and said to my back “Ya want me to go back in?” Needless to say I was stunned. Why would he SAY THAT? Then I remembered my unconscious mental projection – After that incident When I found a guy looking my way I stared right through him and silently smirked “Got ya!”
Ego? Confidence? Narcissistic? What did I care! My virility and masculine prerogative to embrace the real man power in me- that I doubted – was awakened.
Next let’s look at a one on one projection from a Dad to the Son from a metaphoric comparison level well use two examples. And before I do, Yes, I know that sometimes a banana is just a banana.
Now on a spiritual/religious mind set what symbolism can be seen in Swallowing a load of Semen –I know that it can be a religious experience for some people, right? (Smile) Also the application of mental awareness of penetration that happens when your Smoothie/Son/Boy takes an oral load from you and what it really means. 1.) You- on knees- Receiving the Holy Communion
2) The taking on the tongue the Full Chalice (Cock) of divine liquid life is not so far a stretch of the imagination. Side benefit: Servicing
3)"Seeding& Breeding" planting your load in a tight ass- discover what the what it means at the deeper level.
4.) “Mental Awareness” is a powerful tool that used to increase a variety of desires. Using your thoughts and projecting them. And Continue to watch my Community Blog on DaddyDater.
This part 7&8 of Furology 101 in not meant to be an exhaustive study of Father / Son Role Play and it could be picked apart on a verity of levels. You are invited to email: mgp17438@gmail.com with your comments.
LikeRealHairyMen wrote on 01/24/2016 at 08:03 PM
Hey STUD -I've already read your blog as I was completely rock hard looking at your tuff of fur from the neck of your shirt and your hairy arms... the thought of you entering me Stallion style so I could feel your hairy chest on my bareback, your goatee on my neck as you moan with every flex of my anal muscles around your dick as I soft kiss and lick your hairy forearms...thanks for your email and your advise...would love to see more of your fur...sorry no mug shot downloaded but here are my locked pixs...

Hi I read your ...letter...and I just want to say I am a smooth man and I love a hairy man on top of me. Just feeling the hair on my back,legs,arms,etc is more of a turn on beyond belief. And playing with all the hair on a man's body is the ultimate turn on.. I don't know why but maybe it is because I am smooth...go figure.
I've noticed that there is often a split in mindset for some men with a decided difference between Dad/son and Father/son roleplay. When I first became interested in the scene, I thought it was all the same. But, many times when I started to respond as a Father's son, the Dad I was with became turned off by the incest aspect of it. Yes, he wanted to be called Dad, but did not want to be Father. Have you encountered this?