As has been said for months. Way to waste everyone's time, money & energy yet again on false accusations GOP.
Note to all politicians: Don't have private email about stuff concerning your official duties. If it even mentions anything having anything to do with your elected functions, use the public email. When in doubt, use the public email. No donors or staff or anything connected to your public office should use anything but public email!
No FBI charges against Hillary Clinton
sorry but have yall seen the comey interviews? or was it a review? from everything presented there hillary should face a trial. that would be the just thing to do. she lied under oath, and did something that was extremely shady atleast put her on trial
This was all very predictable, especially the Republican response!
way too many dollars wasted on this shit.. both political parties are guilty of dong the wrong things..
I think if HC went on to get elected we would have republican lead investigations during her administration....I think if she were to sneeze they would send in a special prosecutor to investigate....of course u know a HC sneeze is some sort of coded message that needs looking into