Is this good parenting or bad parenting?

Good lesson or too harsh? What did your parents do when you broke curfew?

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  • Usually the leather belt from dad.
    Oh, and a couple of times I had to stay out of the house (not for any curfew though - but for skipping all homework in school for about a year =/) - Not all night though, but pretty late into the night.
    And despite all the anger, in retrospect, I think it's a good thing having a parent who's strict when it comes to disciplining their kids. I turned out all right (well.. Kinda).
    Corporal punishment might not be a good idea, but sending your kid to bed without supper doesn't achieve squat in most cases.
    aliencubby 01/07/2014 07:47 AM
  • Looking at the door, it doesn't seem a poor house, so the patio may well be a better place to sleep than thousands other had that night.
    Seems there are plenty non-loving parents out there...
    art4you 01/06/2014 02:52 PM
  • beat the shit out of me
    bearub 01/06/2014 02:18 PM
  • I remember one time I was coming home late from sucking cock underneath the boardwalk in Coney Island and stopped off at Nathan's and brought my mother some little neck clams. She yelled a little, but the clams softened the blow. I learned that trick from my older brothers. As for the above punishment sleeping on the porch, I'd say he (or she) got off easy. Wondering why the person being punished doesn't have a key. I'd say it's a good lesson, unless of course it's 3 degrees, than it's too harsh.
    fenwaydav 01/06/2014 09:04 AM