Do Scorpio men really have heavy sex drives?

Or is that just a myth?

I've had a few dates with a guy who is a Scorpio and he wants sex all the time.
I've heard Scorpios are super horny. Whats been your experience? Do you think its true?

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  • ...why yes I do. Thank you.
    WayneCountyMan 12/10/2011 08:31 AM
  • Yes. I do. But then I always thought that everyone did!!
    baybubba 11/21/2011 12:40 AM
  • I dont know if Zodiac is true or not. I'm a Taurus, Pisces moon and Pisces rising.
    I had my chart done years ago. On one page it said I'm very frugal and strict about saving money, and on another page it said I'm extravagant and love to spend money on expensive things, lol.
    So I dont know what to make of it.
    Marc 11/17/2011 07:43 PM
  • It is just a myth. Something we can have fun with but it remains a myth... It is kind of like pursuing one's genealogy and thereby establishing a connection to royalty! The fact that I have an ancestor who was in the "court of Elizabeth I" of England more likely meant that he was a stable hand and tended the horses, the cattle and the farm animals.

    But connecting one's virility to the stars is a denial of the very essence of mankind - we all arrive with the same equipment and generally the same abilities... With reference to sex and sexual drive one must acknowledge that sex begins in the brain - not in some nicely written astrological advice column from the Sunday newspaper...

    Nevertheless it is great fun to think of what turns one on and to say "it must be my sign" - ignoring the fact that I have a hot stud next to me who is THE real turn on!. Turning my head, getting some sensuous and stimulating arousal and engaging in some passionate exchange has more to do with the moment than the prognostication of some fanciful astrological writer (albeit in a fun and entertaining manner!)...

    By the way, I am a Taurus (the bull)... If we had a room full of, say, 50 naked guys I would imagine that we would be able to count every astrological sign as represented in the group. Now, which one would be the hottest? I suspect it would have more to do with the temperature of activity ongoing in that room than the star assigned to my birth month... Now, where is that viagra pill?

    west Michigan
    everysooften 11/17/2011 05:21 PM
  • I"m a Virgo and I'm no virgin. ;)
    shiveshboy 11/17/2011 12:38 PM
  • BTW Marc, May be it's being around you that makes him horny all the time. I'd be!!!!!!
    fenwaydav 11/17/2011 06:11 AM
  • With my birthday being tomorrow Nov 18th (and a Scorpion), I can't say wheither all of us are horny all the time, but I am.
    fenwaydav 11/17/2011 06:08 AM
  • I think its just that he wants sex with you all the time. I know I would, you are hot.
    Anyway I don't think that ther is any truth in astrology .
    I am an Aries and all I think about is sex. Cock on my mind all the time. But that does't mean that my planet sign has anything to do with my wanting cock and more cock all the time. Cheers.
    david69er 11/16/2011 10:35 PM