Poll: Any thoughts on the travel ban?

Do you agree or disagree with the travel ban blocking refugees and travel from seven Muslim majority countries?

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    aliencubby 8 years ago
  • It takes at least 18 months to get vetted to immigrate to the US. Terrorists don't have that kind of patience. It is also insulting our intelligence that Saudi Arabia where the majority 9/11 terrorists and all of their funding came from was not on the list. Steve Jobs' father was an immigrant from Lebanon. Elon Musk is an immigrant. Many of the immigrants who come here start small businesses.

    The sad part of this ban is that some of people who had completed the 18 month vetting now can't get in. Some of those who risked their lives to help us in Iraq, now can't get in. Yes we should control immigration but this order is just more reality TV politics.
    txholdup 8 years ago
  • La Liberté éclairant le monde
    furball 8 years ago
  • I'm grateful that I am a Canadian...
    M_Jay 8 years ago
  • I doubt anyone is against illegal immigration. The issue most rational people have with Drumpf's blanket ban is that it's poorly conceived, doesn't differentiate between legal and illegal immigrants, paints all refugees and immigrants as potential threats to the US, and coincidentally, does not include any country which Drumpf has business interests in. As for the claims of valid visa or green card holders denied entry, being a "small number", it's still ridiculous to see that people who have been granted visas,and are paying their taxes, are suddenly being told they pose a threat.

    It's not unreasonable to expect a stricter screening and vetting process with background checks and threat analyses, rather than resorting to stoking people's fear for political gain. Which is exactly what the current administration is doing. Then again, what else could one expect, with Bannon playing puppetmaster?
    aliencubby 8 years ago
  • I think what would help in this discussion is learning about the actual immigration process and what the real violations are. First let not forget to thank wonderful President Reagan for the Amnesty and getting rid of all of the immigration processing centers including Ellis Island. He also set up a lottery system so that every country around the world was given a set number of people that could immigrate here. Then instead of the US vetting people the origin country was to do that and then provide a list of qualified applicants to the US State Department. Then the State Department would do its own vetting. So now we don't have a line anymore like we keep being told we do. So if a foreign national is accepted to enter the US from this process they have 90 days to get here or they are rejected. Now lets start with who the undocumented people really are. The majority of people here undocumented are on expired visas. So that means they were able to come here at one time and just never left. These are not people crossing borders with calves the size of cantaloupes! These are people that corporations also brought in for employment telling our State Department that they had to because Americans were not qualified or students or just relatives and others. Now lets address the southern border issues. We again begin with Reagan and his failed drug war. This has caused us trillions and gained us nothing but more enemies, dangerous living conditions in most of the countries in Central America and Mexico. So what happens when gangs run governments? People flee these countries and go where they can be safe. We also need to understand that more people actually immigrated south than they did to the north in the past couple of years. Immigration is not a US issue but a world issue. You are not going to keep humans from moving around the planet as they have been doing it for thousands of years and no walls or laws are going to stop that. What we do need is to get the facts (actual facts) not Trump Speak and work with our neighbors to solve this issue.
    barney290 8 years ago
  • Surprised that there is one other person that agrees with me.
    Just don't know what people have against following immigration laws and trying to see if we can make the country safer. Just agree with following the laws and enforcing the ones that are on the books.
    If you don't agree then we should decide to change the laws and the new laws should be followed.
    I believe in the Constitution and I believe in the law.
    Don't understand what the argument with that would be...
    buzbuz 8 years ago
  • What country would need or want to threaten us? They know that all they have to do is sit back and let us destroy ourselves much more efficiently than they could and it won't cost them a dime.
    MachineToole 8 years ago
  • I find it strange that none of these counties has attacked or threatened us but are included in the ban but Russia is exempt from the ban and has not only attacked us but continues to threaten us and our NATO allies?
    barney290 8 years ago
  • While I believe we should have the toughest vetting process, I don't think a ban like that was issued will do anything to protect us. It's also very strange that the Muslim countries he has business dealings with ( and harbor more terrorist) aren't on that list.
    fenwaydav 8 years ago