Tired of computer cords
This is my living room. For 10 years I've had a desk in my living room with computer cords everywhere and I can't take it anymore. So sick of this mess. I'll never buy another desktop again. Taking this picture to remind myself why I'm getting rid of my desktop and replacing it with a laptop.
Check out some of the Top 10 Laptop lists you'll find via Google search. Asus, Apple, and Lenovo always have a unit on each list (they're just that good). Those brands are the most expensive but the hardware will be able to keep up with new tech for the next couple years without major overhauls.
Be wary of a Toshiba. They require proprietary drivers (Toshiba modified) even for the most generic of utilities. If you do purchase one, be sure to make an OS backup and a driver back up. Their site is not all that user friendly. I have worked on several Toshiba laptops and have spent more time apologizing for the time delay than I have for any other system (Gateway included).
@sdpoundpuppy's , Hi Larry! Everyone sdpoundpuppy is my friend Larry in San Diego, one of the nicest men and best cooks in the world. And a fireman too! ;)
I lived in San Diego for a year and Larry rented a room to me. I was 3,000 miles away from anyone I knew, I had no car, no friends and no money he housed me and drove me everywhere. Such a nice man.
Sorry about your knee Larry hope you're feeling better soon. Hows Don?
@ BostonPete
I want to get a Toshiba next. I can't believe it was so cheap.
But there are ways to bundle them up and tuck them away...
[I did say "tuck"!]